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Soul Bound

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Soul Bound Empty Soul Bound

Post by Guest 7th January 2013, 12:34 am

It was a peaceful morning in Redwatch, just like any other normal day in fact. The sun had rose up from the horizon a few hours earlier, and it was almost the time for another day at the academy. Nick grunted as a ray of sun came flashing into his face through the window. The young man moaned as he opened his eyes and growled, bringing the pillow over his head to block off the sun. After a few minutes, he realizes that he wouldn't be falling back asleep.... Curse that sun, it was to bright for nothing...

He sigh's and tosses the pillow on the floor before sitting up on the edge of the bed. Nick looks around him to find all of his clothes all over the floor, he really should clean up.. since he was up earlier than he normally was. He rubbed his eyes and then yawned while stretching all of his body and getting up in the process, making him look quite foolish, luckily, he was alone. Once done, a shiver is sent down his spine from the stretching and he shakes his limbs and head to get his blood flowing properly again. Alright.. Time to get ready and sort this dump out.. he thought, rolling his eyes.

About an hour later, Nick had washed, gotten dressed, ate and cleaned around the house.. it wasn't as clean as Simon's place but it would do. He looked out to spot the sun, wanting to know the time and his eyes widen as he see's its placement in the sky. Oh shit! I'm gonna be late to pick him up! he thought before grabbing his hoodie and quickly putting it on while heading outside in a rush. As he steps outside, the red reflexion of the newly repainted roofs blinded him for a few seconds, why they made the town out of bright colors, he would never understand, it gave him headaches.

He walked at a good pace, looking away as people would give him odd looks, he was kind of known to be the ''weird kid'' after all. He never really fit in amongst the society, but he still managed to get by, especially now that his parents were gone, he had started really living. A rare smile came on his face as he looked up at the sky. A few minutes later he arrived at the crater, Nick stops for a few seconds as he is in the middle of the bridge, going to the other side. He looks over the ramp to see the tiny river at the bottom. After a few seconds of observing he spits into the crater and crosses his arms, resting his head on them, as he watches the spit for as long as he can, which wasn't that long to be honest.

He finally continues his way and a few moments later arrives at Simons Mansion... what a huge house for one boy and a couple of butlers and maids. He walks up to the huge door, grabs a hold of the Lion door knocker and knocks three consecutive times.


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Soul Bound Empty Re: Soul Bound

Post by Guest 8th January 2013, 4:58 pm

*Ding ding* Le tintement de la cloche matinale réveilla doucement Simon. Celui-ci s’assit sur sont lit et se frotta les yeux alors que le majordome s’approchait avec le chariot de repas. «Le déjeuner de Monsieur est servit. Ce matin, crêpes à la bananes avec sirop de vanille.» dit-il avec le ton blasé d’un homme qui connait sa place et son travail. «Tu sais que je ne mange pas le matin Ed, je te les offres. C’est tes préférées, non?» Le vieil homme s’inclina légèrement en signe d’approbation et sortit de la salle avec le chariot en souriant.

Edward avait servit la famille Red depuis aussi longtemps que Simon pouvait se rappeler, plus même. C’était un homme de peu de mots qui respectait le jeune garçon et l’appréciait, même s’il n’était pas de sang noble. Simon avait toujours été bon avec Edward et celui-ci l’avait supporté et accompagné durant sa jeunesse. Simon ne voyait pas le majordome comme une autre figure parentale et Edward ne voyait pas Simon comme un fils, mais plutôt comme un compagnon.

La grande porte de bois se referma derrière le chariot et Simon se retrouva seul, assis sur son lit. Le rideau de satin rouge était tiré, laissant passer les rayons du soleil jusqu’aux pieds de l’énorme matelas du garçon. Il passa sa main sur ses draps de velours et referma les yeux. Le doux tissu glissa entre ses doigts comme de l’eau alors qu’il se laissait aller à ses rêveries. Il souleva les paupières et fit le tour de la salle des yeux. Le bas des murs étaient d’un blanc d’ivoire alors que le haut était aussi rouge que le sang. Une moulure faisait le tour de la chambre et séparait les couleurs. La base de son lit était tout en bois et s’élevait presque jusqu’au plafond. Au pied de son lit, un lourd coffre de métal noir reposait et gardait des habits ayant appartenus à ses ancêtres. Dans un coin de la chambre s’élevait une grande commode contenant ses propres vêtements.

Simon se leva et choisi sa tenue du jour; une simple chemise blanche rentré dans son pantalon noir. Le tout accompagné d’une ceinture et de souliers fraichement cirés. À peine avait-il eu le temps de les attacher que l’on cogna à la porte. Simon vérifia sa coupe de cheveux et replaça les boutons de sa chemise avant de descendre les longues marches vers la porte d’entré. Edward ouvrit grand et invita le visiteur à entrer alors que Simon arrivait dans le hall.


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Soul Bound Empty Re: Soul Bound

Post by Guest 22nd February 2013, 9:12 pm

Nick smirked and made an over exaggerated and ''graceful'' bow as Ed opened the door. He than looked back up and saw who it actually was. He sighs and gets back up, putting his hands back in his pockets.

''Oh hey there Ed, guess i should have expected it to be you..'' he says, briefly pausing before purposely speaking louder and stretching his neck to see Simon coming down the stairs. ''After all, Mister high and mighty NEVER answers the door himself'' He says with a small chuckle.

He walks in and shoots his shoes off, leaving them at the entrance. Then walking up to the stairs with a grin a cross his face, meeting Simon at the final step and shooting up his arm for their usual hand shake. ''How ya been Mister man?'' He asks with another chuckle.

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