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Character Creation Tips

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Character Creation Tips Empty Character Creation Tips

Post by JerriLeah7 2nd June 2012, 2:43 pm

"...don't let yourself get bogged down or intimidated by details. A lot of people will stress over things that aren't even relevant to rping for the sake of "authenticity." Just try it. If it doesn't work, you'll learn from the experience."

"Don't try and make a character you have already done. Make a new character and try to think like them otherwise you are just basing them off of you. While that is alright, you have to feel a connection to the character."

"Don't be afraid to be random--take a "face" from a character that you like and know well, twist it up, and just jumble it in there! Sometimes, you'll be impressed with what you'll make."

"Be flexible and take your time. Most of the time I sleep overnight before making it up."

"...remember to keep it real. If you are aiming for a certain world and a certain type of character, remember that you want to keep your character real for that world. If it seems like it’s a bit much, then it probably is too much. If you think you could do better and it’s not good, then usually its good and you need to stop because you have just kept it real. That is my advice."

"Characters can feel as real or as fake as you want them too. If you want your character to be something you enjoy playing, go ahead and put in the extra effort to make thme feel "real" to you. However, don't be too restricting on their back story, for if you do that you may end up limiting your play style too much and won't have as much fun. Never be afraid to do what you want to do with your characters, but always try to make what your characters do, make sense within their own personal lives."
--Leah's Slave

"Don't Drop Your Character Into An "I Don't Interact With People" Personality Because That Tends To RUIN RP's If It Isn't Done Well."

"Balance is important when creating a character. When making someone new always stop to ask yourself what about them is NOT good - personality, combat weaknesses, etc. Super-powerful characters aren't as fun to write or read as someone who can been seen struggling to solve problems."

"Just make something you'll have a lot of fun with ! Remember those rps are often long and you want to play something fun y'know. Or it can be something more of a challenge that you have more trouble to play. Really just make something you'll enjoy and try also sometime to ask question to rpm to make a better background. They don't bite and it can not only give you awesome ideas, but also give them more ideas for events related to your character if they know more about him/her." =)

"Make your little brainstorm web about your character, then build on it in game. Let the game help decide/fill in the blanks as they come up. It's generally the way you have the most fun when RPing with others, and tends to make alot of humorous jokes later to reminisce about."

"Don't be too rigid in your character creation! Leave room for them to surprise you. My characters usually take on a life of their own once I get a feel for them and that's what makes RPing fun for me."

"Don't worry about what others will think and just go where your ideas take you. It may surprise you that a character that you're worried about being too flat or bland may end up a really great character as the RP progresses."

"My advice is to leave some freedom for your development, but not to overdo things. Too much of something is like not enough, so it can end up bad."

"If I could give a tip to any rper it would be to let your thoughts run wild, don't decline what you really want your char to be otherwise you'll feel like you're missing something."

"Have fun with the little quirks your character seems prone to. The little things can make a character feel more life-like, while also making interactions and development more fun. Also, you don’t have to worry about having everything about your character set in stone the minute you join into a roleplay; it’s fun to leave some leeway for figuring things out once you’ve seen your character in action."

"1. Enjoy the character creation. The second it feels tedious or boring step away from it and come back to it. Rushing will not help.
2. On the flip-side, also embrace the decisions you make if they come to you quickly. Inspiration happens. Don't second-guess it to death. It could ruin a good character concept.
3. Finally, a character concept is not set in stone. The story and world your character is put into will shape them to completion."

"One tip for newcomers making characters is to just sit down and think what would you like to roleplay. Do you want your character to be human? What skills would you like to see? How do you want them to behave? sometimes the obvious questions help speed things up immensely."
--y dau cymraeg

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Character Creation Tips Empty Re: Character Creation Tips

Post by JerriLeah7 14th April 2014, 2:22 pm

Excellent tips here!

Feel free to check it out in your spare time!

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