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Pragia Concerns Role-Play

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Pragia Concerns Role-Play - Page 3 Empty Pragia Concerns Role-Play

Post by JerriLeah7 2nd April 2014, 8:57 pm

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[ATTN: ALL; An Introduction]

The Observer carefully sent out the exact same message to seven individuals that managed to catch his attention. Only those that had enough qualities that represented self-competency deemed them worthy, to him. However, he knows that the most difficult task will be uniting them under one goal, convincing those that differ the most into working together. After all...several of them seem as though a massive battle could break out amongst them, should the wrong thing be said or the wrong action be taken. Regardless, this is a risk that the Observer is willing to take. After all, Pragia Kingdom is quite worth it--it is his home. He also made sure that each member would be able to see the titles or names of the others that would be invited. If the dire needs of the Kingdom will not intrigue them, perhaps their future company will.

Pragia Concerns Role-Play - Page 3 Invita10

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Soul Bearer

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Post by JerriLeah7 19th April 2014, 3:06 pm

[ATTN: Lady Kiri, Allanon, Trickster Allyn, Porter, The Vigiliante]

“This information that is here--I don’t understand. It is almost as if he can see into the future. Why are things not changed if he can? Or am I wrong in assuming that this is the truth and that he only observes the current information?” Lady Kiri asks.

"As far as I know, milady," Gerard says, "The Observer cannot see into the future. He simply reads information that we find for him and finds the hidden truths that they reveal."

Gerard clears his throat as the darkness begins to fill the area, the sun now being forgotten by the sky. He looks to the boys, who then begin to shake the small, glass orbs that were in their pouches and then releasing them to float up into the air. The orbs then light up the surrounding area quite well with yellow-green light, sufficiently surrounding them with about forty or so of these tiny orbs that are commonly known as "Firefly Lamps." Most only last for a few hours.

"As for why nothing has changed," Gerard continues as they place up the lamps, "Isn't that what he is doing now? He is hiring you Freelancers to make a change. That is the point of this meeting--to offer each of you the opportunity to prevent a Civil war.

Allanon yawned. "Politics never interested me overmuch," he said as he put a hand over his mouth, "and a bloody coup seems to be the general recipe for political upheaval.

"That said, I can't say I've disliked this current peace I've found myself in since the man's reign, not to mention civil wars are a bloody affair and too many good men are killed and not enough nobles by half. I would assume it's more complex than just warning the king, then, otherwise we would not be here."

"Go ooooon," The Trickster says.

"Indeed, we cannot simply inform the King of Pragia." Garard replies to Allanon with an agreeable nod. "The King is a man of short temper and has little forgiveness. Should the King become aware, he would most likely choose to resort to retaliation, which could lead to civil unrest and ultimately, civil war. Our objective is to prevent war and mass deaths at all costs."

Gerard holds out a small ring, which appears to have runes carved into it. "This is a Task Ring. Though only Observer Agents usually have these, you, too, will have access to them if you choose to become a Freelancer. Each Ring will give you a target--a person and data on said person that is a guaranteed Protectorate threat within high ranks. With these rings, you will each be given the opportunity to deal with these threats with any methods that you deem fit, so long as they are indeed, no longer a threat to the crown."

Gerard places the ring on his finger and the runes glow, but just as the runes glow, so do his eyes--all a neon green that stick out quite brilliantly in the night. "This very ring told me to be here, told me what I needed to say. Please understand that you don't have to work together--you can work alone or have a partner--none of this is of any concern. We just ask that you get the job done and when it is completed, you will be paid well."

Soul Bearer

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Post by MethosArchaic 19th April 2014, 3:18 pm

[Attn: meeting]

Evon closed his folder as Gerard went on, he'd looked a the papers long enough. "So basically you're asking us to take your - and by Your I mean the Observer's word on it. Then you also give tell us to remove this threat, by what ever means we want..." Evon said resting his elbows on the table and steepling his fingers together. "I am going to assume that this task is time sensitive and that you're basically asking us to assassinate them or those helping them." After all few of the people here really had much at their disposable politically to bring to bare against the targets. The boy (Porter) couldn't be expected to do much more than swing a sword around or flirt/sleep his way into trouble... the Trickster would be much more successful at that approach. Might be best to make the boy act as the Princess' bodyguard, that might increase her chances.

"I don't like committing myself to murder, on information I've been given by someone I don't know." Not to mention he had no clue just what exactly those rings did, they could perhaps be some kind of magic to let the Observer communicate or gather information that the wearer experienced.
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Post by JerriLeah7 19th April 2014, 3:27 pm

The Vigilante closes his folder. "So basically, you're asking us to take your --and by Your I mean the Observer's-- word on it. Then you also tell us to remove this threat, by what ever means we want..." He rests his elbows on the table and steeples his fingers together. "I am going to assume that this task is time sensitive and that you're basically asking us to assassinate them or those helping them. I don't like committing myself to murder, on information I've been given by someone I don't know."

"On the contrary, Vigilante." Gerard says candidly, shaking his head. "You will be given additional information that you will be able to investigate yourselves. You will be able to see the evidence that these people are indeed threats to our peace. I, myself, have seen this evidence and I have seen it firsthand, rather than just through the Observer, himself. You don't have to take anyone's word on anything, if you don't choose to do so--by all your homework."

Gerard stands up and begins to pace slowly around the table. "These missions are not time-sensitive, as far as I know. I also stated clearly that you may use any methods that you deem fit. If you choose murder, that is your choice, but that was not the Observer's request. He merely asks that you maintain this threat to the crown. In other words, Mr. Vigilante Sir, if you don't want to murder someone, please do not do it--especially not in the name of the Observer. He is not a man that forces others into doing something they do not want to do. All agents are more than willing to complete their task parameters. It is in our contract and we are assured never to be given as task we are not willing to do. Freelancers are treated the same."

Soul Bearer

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Post by EphPhoenix 22nd April 2014, 3:48 pm

[Attn: Group]

"So," began Allanon, "if I have the right of it, a mysterious benefactor gives us information, we set about his tasks, and in so doing we help the world? It almost sounds like a religion except for the fact that he welcomes questioning him. And I imagine compensation if the job is done well?

He mulled it over. His work of late had been rather rudimentary, though steady. In short, he was bored. Haunting the parties and intellectual gatherings of late had been rather a chore. A chance at intrigue sounded...enticing.

"Well, why not?" he said, "have his people get with my people--Susie will be delighted," he chuckled at his private joke, "and I will see whether or not the task he requests is a worthy one."

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Post by Luna 23rd April 2014, 4:50 pm


Lady Kiri nodded her head. She was listening intently. “I kind of agree with the gentleman there, Allanon I believe you said his name was.” She said. “So if I am correct we are to keep these people on task and to make sure they don’t overdo it? Almost like an overseer? If not death would be a way to do it.

Personally I don’t like killing others as well, but I am willing to do it. So these rings here will give us the information we need and may even give us suggestions on how to do the task at hand?” she asked.

It was a different kind of work for her, but she would do it especially if it paid out well for her. She could at least use the money to help her and her family get back to where they were before. “What kind of pay are we talking about? I know people, many people thanks to the status my family once held.” She said. “It could be used to my advantage.”

GTR's guinea pig

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Post by xenolion 24th April 2014, 3:36 pm

Porter leans back with his arms behind his head. “So this observer is pretty much hiring us to carry out his or her tasks? To keep the world from falling to evil. And that will take only the few of us? Well sounds like fun to me. A chance to travel, rid the world of some cretins, and get paid for it. Sound like what I do already. Plus I get to travel with two lovely ladies! Only one thing, what happens if we decide to be no longer employed by this observer? We take the rings off and we are done? How long of a commitment are we talking about? One never knows when a better deal may come along.”

xenopouncer extraordinaire

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Post by Red 25th April 2014, 9:01 pm

[ATTN: Group]

Allyn put her feet up on the table and twirled her braid over her shoulder idly. She looked up, pursing her lips as she thought. "Sure," she finally said, after the others had spoken their pieces, pulling her feet from the table. "Sounds good to me!"

At the very least it would be interesting, and maybe this would give her the chance to seek out the Observer himself...

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Post by MethosArchaic 27th April 2014, 7:28 am

[Attn: Meeting.]

Evon took Gerard's answer well, leaning back smiling slightly. At least it wasn't automatically going to be assassination. Though he couldn't say he exactly trusted this Observer and his agent too far. A few more questions where asked but it seemed that for the most part they were all agreeing. So here he was thinking it over.

Evon didn't mind helping get rid of criminals or bureaucrats that had crossed the line into corruption. On the other hand though, Evon did miss his Shala and the girls. He'd been away for sometime, but if he went right back to them it was likely that the Observer would have someone tailing Evon, the girls would be put at risk.

His finger tapped the folder once as he thought about it's contents. There was also the matter of the bounty hunters that where going after these men. They weren't necessarily bad men, but then again neither where all the people in this folder who weren't actually the Vigilante. As the Vigilante, Evon didn't owe it to them to protect them, but he did feel a certain level of responsibility to make sure that they didn't come to harm for something they hadn't done.

His mind still undecided, the Vigilante waits to see what else might tip the scales.
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Post by JerriLeah7 27th April 2014, 8:29 am

[ATTN: Porter, Trickster Allyn, Allanon, The Vigilante, Lady Kiri]

"So," began Allanon, "if I have the right of it, a mysterious benefactor gives us information, we set about his tasks, and in so doing we help the world? It almost sounds like a religion except for the fact that he welcomes questioning him. And I imagine compensation if the job is done well?

A pause.

"Well, why not?" he said, "have his people get with my people--Susie will be delighted and I will see whether or not the task he requests is a worthy one."

“I kind of agree with the gentleman there--Allanon, I believe you said his name was.” Lady Kiri adds in. “So if I am correct we are to keep these people on task and to make sure they don’t overdo it? Almost like an overseer? If not, death would be a way to do it.

Personally I don’t like killing others, as well, but I am willing to do it. So these rings here will give us the information we need and may even give us suggestions on how to do the task at hand?” she asked. "What kind of pay are we talking about? I know people, many people thanks to the status my family once held.” She said. “It could be used to my advantage.”

Gerard sticks his hands in his pockets, keeping them there as if to keep them warm. "The pay is good--unfortunately, it isn't as much as you would be paid as an Agent, but freelancers still make a high amount of funding through this work. The pay does depend on how long it takes you complete it and the degree of success. As such, you may all make different amounts, especially if any of you decide to work together. For example, if the good Porter here decides to assist the Lady with her mission, he will also make pay for her mission, as well as his own. As a result, I am unable to tell any of you how much you will make. What I can assure you, however, is that should succeed, you will make enough to live a comfortable lifestyle for some time."

Porter leans back with his arms behind his head. “So this observer is pretty much hiring us to carry out his or her tasks? To keep the world from falling to evil. And that will take only the few of us? Well sounds like fun to me. A chance to travel, rid the world of some cretins, and get paid for it. Sounds like what I do already. Plus, I get to travel with two lovely ladies! Only one thing, what happens if we decide to be no longer employed by this observer? We take the rings off and we are done? How long of a commitment are we talking about? One never knows when a better deal may come along.”

Gerard replies with a nod of understanding. "Should you wish to no longer work as a freelancer, all you have to do is take off the ring and walk away. There will be no hard feelings, the Observer will not bother you again, and you needn't concern yourself with your mission, as it will be given to someone else in your leave."

"Sure," she finally said, after the others had spoken their pieces, pulling her feet from the table. "Sounds good to me!"

"Excellent." Gerard says with a smile as he walks around the table to stand near the Trickster, "You are a very smart lady. Take this ring and keep it with you, always. It is coded to you only. Should another person wear it, will be just a normal ring."

Then, Gerard moves to Allanon to give him his, as well. He follows this to each person who has already accepted the job as a Freelancer for the Observer for a limited time. He quietly wonders to himself how many, if any, of these travelers will become an Agent. After all, if any of them come to trust the Observer's work as he has, they will most certainly be offered the position, if their work is good.

Soul Bearer

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Post by EphPhoenix 30th April 2014, 1:56 pm

[Attn: Group]

He looked at the ring. It was a simple silver band--with runes on it. He read them and raised an eyebrow. "Gerard, my good man," Allanon said, putting on the ring, "shouldn't he operate with a little more secrecy--putting our identification sounds like an open--"

He cut off as the runes glowed purple and he could suddenly see something before him. "What sorcery is this...?" he murmured aloud, as he seemed to look into space. His eyebrows rose and he began looking down and hesitantly searching and poking at the air.

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Post by Red 30th April 2014, 3:17 pm

[ATTN: Group]

Allyn held out a hand and accepted the ring as he dropped it into her palm. She slipped it onto her hand without a second thought, holding her hand up and studying it on her finger. The runes on it began to glow teal, and she blinked in surprise as something appeared in the air in front of her - words on what looked like a screen:

Connection Established with Observer 8 Freelancer
Trickster Allyn
Missions Available: 1
Would you like to view?

To the side of the main message was a separate column, filled with information; it looked like a profile on her. She scowled, looking away from it and poking the screen with one finger. Nothing happened. She looked down to see what looked like keys floating in the air near her hands. Was this how this magic contraption was controlled?

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Post by xenolion 2nd May 2014, 10:26 pm

{Attn: all}

Porter flips the ring through his fingers for a while. He watches the wizard and then the trickster. “Well if the lady is going then count me in as well.” He slips it onto his pointer finger. The runes on his glow a yellowish brown. An image appears in front of his face. He can see print, but cannot make it out.

A female voice in heard in his head. She says "Connection Established....Observer Freelancer Number 21....Porter V'Rast.

“Aww and here I thought I would be number one pretty Lady.” Porter leans back with a smirk on his face.

The voice continues. "Welcome to the Observer Information Unit. To the right, you will see various files that may be relevant to you. In the center, you will find your current available mission. You have one mission available. You may think commands and I will follow. Please understand that no one else will hear this voice. You currently have one mission available...would you like to view it?"

“Why not little lady, might as well see what my mission is.” Porter answers out loud not afraid if the present company hears him or not.

He nudges both Lady Kiri and the trickster. “If either of you two need my help, all you have to do is ask. That goes the same for the rest of ya as well.”

xenopouncer extraordinaire

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Post by JerriLeah7 3rd May 2014, 5:59 pm

Gerard smiles as he realizes that several of them have placed their rings on. For those that are remaining, he places the ring that is meant for them on the table before them. Then, he signals to the young boys that accompanied him to this location and he begins to walk down the path that they all took to come here, disappearing into the night.

The starry sky is still hidden by the glowing, magical lanterns, the small party now left alone with each other as Gerard and his followers had left while all were distracted by their rings and their papers. He has now completed his task and the rest is up to the Freelancers. He silently wishes them luck.

OOC: To know what your mission is, please FB message me or PM me. Thank you.

Soul Bearer

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Post by MethosArchaic 4th May 2014, 10:13 am

[Attn: Group]

Evon sat there as little else was explained and the rings passed out. Gerald seemed pleased when people put the rings on, but Evon had yet to. It came down to trust, and Evon didn't trust the Observer or this agent who might actually be the Observer for all they knew.

Porter seemed to be either talking to himself or to the girls beside him, possibly both. It was also entirely possible that he was talking to a third party, but none of the others seemed to be doing so. There was some recognition in their eyes but nothing Evon could see that would register that, unless they saw something do to the rings. It made him even more apprehensive regarding the rings. Then before he knew it, Gerard was making his escape.

There was things to be weighed he guessed.

Gerard and the Observer had invited them to a peaceable meeting place and not ambushed them so far. On the other hand they had pretty much blackmailed him into attending with how his invitation had arrived.

Two: He had some good information on the men trying to find him, and other suspects. Bad side was that even though he wasn't in these papers, the Observer and his agent knew his identity, which could be sold... unless the Vigilante did this job.

Three: The Observer was willing to pay them, and Vigilante work wasn't profitable. The negative was that the only way to know what the mission was would be to put on the ring.

Sure, Evon wanted to bring those that broke the law to account, but he wasn't sure he could trust this Observer person. Evon thought about it some more as he stared at the ring.
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Post by Luna 6th May 2014, 4:19 pm


Lady Kiri picks up the ring from the table. She had listened to Gerald intently. She understood what he was saying. It was the same with hiring a mercenary. In a way she was hiring herself out for jobs like that. Usually it was beneath her to do so but right now she doesn’t have a choice. If she wants to earn money then she needs this job.

She puts the ring on and immediately begins to glow a pink. In front of her is a screen with information on it. She looks at it from top to bottom and begins to read the information. She doesn’t even notice that Gerald has left.

Connection established with Observer
Freelancer # 10 Kiri Channe
Missions Available: 1
Would you like to view?

She looked around the rest of the screen. There was a section that had information about herself. She smiled as she looked over it. Everything was correct that she could pull from memory. She was very impressed that the observer had all of this.

She looked up to ask Gerald some information but he was gone. She then looked back at the keyboard. She had used a typewriter before. She wondered if this was something similar to it.

GTR's guinea pig

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Post by EphPhoenix 22nd May 2014, 1:00 pm

[Attn: Open]


Allanon looked over the file again, reading and rereading, then quietly mouthing it. So he was to deal with this particular fellow? So be it, then. He clapped his hands briskly. "Let's do this," he said. "But if I'm to play this game, then I'll need all of my tools." He looked at the Trickster, pulling out a card and handing it to her. "See those runes on the back? Rub your finger over them if you ever want to speak with me. Maybe we can discuss whether our missions coincide." He gave a polite nod to the others. "A pleasure." He clapped his hands twice and his fold out chair and table packed themselves up. He walked over, grabbed the handles, picked them up, placed them in his backpack, then began walking away.

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Post by Red 26th May 2014, 4:43 pm

[ATTN: All, Allanon, Porter]


Allyn read her file, a smile starting to come to her face. This - yes, this was way more interesting than dancing on tables. She pressed two fingers to her lips as she considered the profile of the man in front of her.

She blinked as Allanon turned to her, handing her a card and explaining its purpose. She pocketed the card with a grin and shrugged. "Sure thing!"

Allyn immediately turned her attention to the man seated next to her. She leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his arm nearest her. "This whole thing sounds sooo dangerous though..." she said, looking up at him with her head on his shoulder.

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Post by xenolion 27th May 2014, 4:58 pm

{Attn all}


Porter looks at his file as the feminine voice reads it to him. "Well looks like I get to rescue a pretty little thing from the bad guys."

His arm is wrapped up by Allyn. He looks down and grins at her. "Don't worry, we can work together. I won't let any harm come to you." He shifts his eyes to his screen. "Any chance you can let me know what is on her screen as well beautiful?" He asks the voice. "What about you Lady, do you need help as well? I bet the three of us can make a formidable team." He rubs Allyn's hand. "Unless you have any objections."

xenopouncer extraordinaire

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Post by Luna 3rd June 2014, 1:54 pm

Attn. all


Kiri was looking over her profile. So Mavvern was a member of the protectorate as well. She didn’t know him personally, but she knew of him. Her father had dealt with him before. She did know people that could get to him however. She smirked. Maybe this wouldn’t be so hard after all.

She looked at Porter with a look of disgust. “If I would take you to where I would be going, they would look at me and laugh.” She said. “The only way you would be able to go with me is if you could have better manners and act like a first class citizen.” She said.

GTR's guinea pig

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