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Future Force Registration

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Future Force Registration

Post by JerriLeah7 27th March 2013, 5:49 pm

RPM:  Leah7, MethosArchaic; RPH:  xenolion

Role-Play Rules:

1.  You may only have one character.
2.  You cannot make a character for this RP until this thread is unlocked--if posted before, it will be denied and deleted.
3.  Follow the RP Guidelines.
4.  This role-play will have moderate language and possible moderate gore.  Please keep this in mind.
5.  If a large amount of people join this role-play, it will be separated into groups and threads.
6.  Please respect any requested changes in character or post by the RPM or an RPH.
7.  Be active.  If you do not post for over three days without prior notification, your character will be quarantined within the role-play.
8.  You must edit your equipment post as you buy, lose, or acquire equipment and/or weapons and keep it up-to-date as possible.
9.  You cannot post in the role-play until you character has an approval stamp.
10. Your submitted character cannot be similar to past characters that you have played on GtR.
11. Do not ask for a flight ability; you cannot have it.
12. Do not make a character that is too similar to a cannon character from any fandom.
13.  Characters can and WILL die in this role-play if not used wisely.  If you don't like this, don't join the role-play.  If you lose a character, you can make a new character to replace them.  (Players cannot kill other players.)
14. You cannot start off as a UU1 character, nor can you be "near" it.  Please refrain from making UU2's without proper backstory and RPM/RPH prior approval.
15.  You are required to have a post color for this role-play and your character at all times.
16. You must use the exact character layout that is listed below or your character will be void.

Character Layout: **Don't forget to scroll down!**
[b]Name:[/b]  **First and last name, please.**
[b]Color Code:[/b]  **Please include the HTML Hex Color Code that you will be posting with. (**
[b]Age:[/b]  **Minimum of 14 years of age; Maximum of 100 years of age.**
[b]Gender:[/b]  **Your Choice**
[b]Appearance:[/b]  **Image Here**
[b]Religion:[/b]  **Please see the religion post in the discussions thread.**
[b]User Unit :[/b]   **1-6, 1 being mastery and 6 being new.**
[b]Registry Code:[/b]  **Code must have seven digits and consist of both numbers and letters**
[b]User Abilities:[/b]  *Force names and descriptions—at least five to six sentences on each description.  You can have only up to two force abilities.**
[b]Hometown/City/Reservation:[/b]  **Please see the role-play map.**
[b]Occupation (if any):[/b]  **Do you work for a company or are you self employed?  Etc.**
[b]Skills/Hobbies (if any):[/b]  **This includes both combat and non-combative skills.**
[b]Financial/Societal Caste:[/b]  **Are you wealthy, poor, etc?**
[b]Weapons (if any):[/b]  **Please list both your proficiencies and what you have equipped.**
[b]Equipment (if any):[/b]  **Please note any and all belongings on your character.**
[b]Back Story:[/b]  **Character History, please.**

Characters Approved & Balanced:

Teague Flanagan --  MethosArchaic
Michelle Hansley --  Leah7
Lewyn Forseti  --  LadyTwi
Phaedra Valincourt  --  xenolion
Abri Jamison  --  lilygirl
Zoey Markovich  --  Vye_Avis
Covina Maresca  --  Nikkitty
Leon Nesbit  --  EphPhoenix
Sakura Alavance --  Luna
Cecily Rhoda --  Red
Kashel Aalders --  sagiri
Kiran Holloway --  Kiseki
Nicholas "Nick" DeRamsey --  Axom
Arvaneh Nasreen Airleas --  HikariKuragari
Ace Alavance --  Jack-o-Panda
Quinn  Arcanine --  Pachirisu71

Last edited by Leah7 on 10th November 2013, 9:40 am; edited 25 times in total (Reason for editing : Rule Updates; Approved Characters List)

Soul Bearer

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by JerriLeah7 26th April 2013, 11:21 am


Message from MethosArchaic:
Please spoiler the following information: Back Story, Excessive Equipment, Appearance Images, and Excessive Force Ability Specifics, but not names. You must list the User Unit of each Force separately.

You are required to write a brief description of your ability and then a spoilered, in-depth breakdown of your ability. Note that when Methos is balancing your characters, you will be asked several questions via PM by him and you are required to answer those questions. Any approved characters will have an approval stamp at the end of your post, added by Leah7.

Please Be Advised:
1) The registration is now open. You may post your character.
2) New rules have been added to the role-play.
3) Any and all questions must still be asked in the discussions thread.
4) The character layout has been updated.

Last edited by Leah7 on 26th April 2013, 11:52 am; edited 2 times in total

Soul Bearer

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by MethosArchaic 26th April 2013, 11:23 am

Name:  Teague Flanagan

Color Code: #4A966F

Age:  26
Gender: Male
Appearance:  Teague is a 5ft 3in white haired young man that can be mistaken at times for a late teen do to his size and youthful appearance. He sports brown eyes and a fairly long scar angling down past his left eye starting above it. He often sports a necklace with an identification tag(like dog tags) which include his name and registry number.

User Unit :  Wormhole UU-3, Gravity UU-4
Registry Code:  A3g7TI5
User Ability - Wormhole:  The ability to create a number of linked portals (always even maximum of four pairs), with one being the 'IN' portal and the other being the 'OUT'. The portals pull in an object and pushes it out of the other side at a very small amount of force. Meaning that it is best used against objects/projectiles already in motion to redirect the object/attack to another location or direction. Portals function in one direction, and objects shot into an 'OUT' portal do not come out the 'IN' portal. It is possible to stick your arm through the 'IN' portal and pull and object through an 'OUT' portal, as long as it will fit of course.
User Ability - Gravity Manipulation: The ability to increase or decrease the ambient gravity of an area or point. It works best to increase the existing gravity, and requires more effort to reduce the gravity than increase.

Hometown/City/Reservation:  ICM -  Main City of Mittgar
Registered Residence: Grolwar Apartments, 643 Maccenon Street second floor - Apt #12. Rent due the 1st of ever month.
Occupation (if any):  Part-time City Municipality worker, Part-time Foundry worker.
Occupations Companies names: City of Mittgar - Utility/Municipal Department, and McCorbins Industrial Metal Works
Typical Income (if any):

            Municipality work - Makes 5000 creds a week (Works morning to Lunch, Monday through Friday, 7am to 12pm), paid on Fridays.
            McCorbins - Makes 8000 creds bi-weekly (Afternoon and Evenings, Thursday through Sunday, working from 2pm to 7pm). Paid, every other Monday.

Skills Occupational: Excavation, Pipe Fitting, Welding/Soldering, Minor Industrial Electrical repair, Pour Forging/Casting, Lifting/Porting, Working an assembly line, Driving heavy Equipment.
Skills Non-occupational/Hobbies (if any): He enjoys cycling and jogging (alternating between the two on a day to day basis). He also tends to frequent both shooting/archery ranges.
Skill Combative: Former Amateur Boxer, plus Archery/shooting from his hobbies, also Intensive Gravity fighting
Financial/Societal Caste: Formerly middle class, but now is in the lower caste due to being on his own. He lives as frugally as possible, even living in a tiny apartment (basically a bedroom, the bathroom is shared and down the hall). This all to allow him to save as much money as possible, so he can purchase Ether (when the price is down) to save for training/hobbies when prices are high. He'd go crazy if it wasn't for his hobbies and exercising.
Weapons:  Proficient with Compound crossbows, and rifle type firearms. Favors boxing and archery over shooting (after all bullets are more expensive)
Equipment (if any):  Compound Crossbow (lever action reload), Single shot bolt action long rifle, Maintenance tools for both weapons. Boxing gloves/punching bag, Mountain Bicycle, Ether Meter, Negative Pressure Ether Respirator, Ether Respirator Canister Belt/metering device, 20 half-liter respirator canisters of Condensed Natural Ether,  Normal household items.
Ether Meter/Ether Attachments: Dulled Heavy Duty Steel Ether meter with ports for respirator receiver attachment.
Ether Respirator/attachments:

Back Story:  
00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by MethosArchaic on 21st July 2013, 5:15 pm; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Color hard to read due to forum background color change)
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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by JerriLeah7 26th April 2013, 11:32 am

Name: Michelle Hansley, Nicknamed “Mickey”

Color Code: #E54100

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Appearance: White Hair, Red-Orange Eyes, 5'10 Height

Religion: Makarist

User Unit : UU3, UU1

Registry Code: 7341Nx5

User Abilities: Force Ether Lock (UU3) -- The ability to lock specific concentrations of Ether from being used and converted into Force. This ability works on anything within her sight range and it is an area affect. Hiding behind barrels and other obstructions will not help her target(s), because she needs line of affect, not line of sight. This ability focuses out in a cone, staring from her and heading into whatever direction she is looking. She can maintain this ability for up to two minutes, depending on how distracted she is.

Force Arcane Mark (UU1) -- The ability to place an invisible Ether signature or an object or person via contact, to which she will be able to magically locate, regardless of distance. Mickey can have up to an unlimited number of arcane marks active at one time and they are permanent unless a duration is set before hand. Typical durations include months or years. No one else will be aware of the mark unless told, but the Ether use can be detected when marking a target. The further the distance of the target, the harder it is to detect and locate.

Hometown/City/Reservation: Vrin’daa, the “Skytown.”

Occupation (if any): Ether Hound Security Officer

Skills/Hobbies (if any): Tracking, Perception, Psychology, Evasion, CQC (Close-Quarters Combat) Training, and Figure Skating

Financial/Societal Caste: Soldier

Weapons (if any):
Proficiencies-- Small firearms, sniper rifles, explosives, grenade weapons, tasers, small blades, and Claymore.
Equipped-- Taser and Chordium Claymore

Equipment (if any):
Ether Meter
Ether Scanner
Ether Tracker
Gas Grenades
Chordium Grenades

Back Story:
00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by Leah7 on 8th June 2013, 11:36 am; edited 3 times in total

Soul Bearer

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Holsety 26th April 2013, 12:51 pm

Name: Lewyn Forseti

Color Code: #666666

Age:  20

Gender: Male

Appearance: He is 5'7" with a slight build. He rarely smiles and is generally seen wearing dark clothes. He has very dark hair and light blue eyes.

Religion: None (so he says, but deep down he still holds Filial Piety)

User Unit : 4 (for both Forces)

Registry Code: AX53I29

User Abilities: Force Shadow => He can meld with shadows for a maximum of 30 seconds, at which point he fazes back to being visible. He can also control shadows and use them as weapons or as a shield.


Force Nightvision => He can see twice as far as a regular human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He can distinguish a fair bit of detail but he has poor ability to distinguish colour.


Hometown/City/Reservation: Originally from Cor'Thian, now lives in Xan'Tartica.

Occupation (if any): Works on a flying ship for an Ether corporation in Xan'Tartica during the day, is a tainted Ether seller at night.

Skills/Hobbies (if any):  Reading, tinkering with ether, decent at hand-to-hand combat and knife fighting, good with his Force.

Financial/Societal Caste: On the poorish side (paid mainly in Ether from his job), social outcast.

Weapons (if any):  Two concealed knives, no formal training but not bad with them.

Equipment (if any):  Cloak, old rusty breastplate he wears under the cloak during drug deals, Ether meter. His EM is a dull silver with the default voice and messages, and it makes no sounds or lights when Ether is being used.

Back Story:

00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by LadyTwi on 14th June 2013, 11:45 pm; edited 12 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated religion)

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by EphPhoenix 26th April 2013, 1:55 pm

Name:  Leon Nesbit

Age:  19

Gender:  Male


User Unit :  Force Vector 3

Registry Code:  TB14712

User Abilities: Force Vector- Capable of altering the physical laws within a 5 ft radius or anything he is in physical contact with.


Hometown/City/Reservation:  One of the many islands of Genevsa

Occupation (if any):  Sailor(Pirate)/Courier/Performer

Skills/Hobbies (if any):  Is familiar with all aspects of a ship and navigation, proficient mechanic skills (can fix stuff and knows what's wrong, hotwire a car, not a genius), Acrobat, Expert swordsman, decent marksman, skilled knife thrower

Financial/Societal Caste:  Middle class before he had to separate with his family, poor since then.

Weapons (if any):  Cutlass--very proficient, can dual wield; 4 knives--decent knife fighter and skilled knife thrower, pistol (eight shots) decent

Equipment (if any):  Mini-telescope, tool set, climbing kit, whetstone, three energy drinks, compass, navigation tools

Back Story:

00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by EphPhoenix on 23rd July 2013, 5:12 pm; edited 3 times in total

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by xenolion 26th April 2013, 3:00 pm

Name:  Phaedra Valincourt
Color Code: #AA2ABB
Age:  23
Gender:  Female
User Unit :  N/A
Registry Code:  N/A
User Abilities:  N/A
Hometown/City/Reservation:  Coldrion
Occupation (if any):  Pharmaceutical Rep for a major company
Skills/Hobbies (if any):  She is a history buff, she plays the piano, and lives on her own.  She also cooks very well too.  She could have worked in restaurants, but doesn't like the stress.
Financial/Societal Caste:  Upper Middle
Weapons (if any):  None
Equipment (if any):  She carries a purse which has normal stuff like keys, wallet, personal protection device.  She also has a briefcase that has her typical paper work.
Back Story: 

00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by xenolion on 25th June 2013, 9:32 pm; edited 8 times in total (Reason for editing : added more to her background information and updated Picture)

xenopouncer extraordinaire

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by sagiri 26th April 2013, 4:37 pm

Name:  Kashel Aalders

Color Code:  #A9E2F3

Age:  19

Gender:  Male

Appearance: Kashel is 5'8" with a petite build. His fashion sense can be summed up as 'whatever fits somewhat decently and is comfortable' and he looks young for his age.

Religion: None

User Unit : Frenzy: 5, Illusion: 4

Registry Code: N5L3SI0

User Abilities:  Force Frenzy: Kashel is usually quite weak physically and his Force greatly amplifies his strength, dexterity and senses for up to ten minutes at a time. However, he gradually loses control over himself as time passes and after six minutes, it becomes impossible for him to rein it in until it's run its course. It's not advisable to use it for the full duration as it's quite physically draining and as he loses control, the risk of him being unable to distinguish between enemy and ally increases. He is also only able to use it after dark.

Force Illusion: Kashel can create a visual distraction that lasts for a minute. The size and realism of the image determine how long it takes him to conjure it. The more he uses this ability, the weaker the visuals become until it stops working altogether. At that point, he can't use it again until he's slept. There's also no guarantee that the target will be affected; it depends entirely on their natural level of concentration and so on.

Hometown/City/Reservation: Currently resides in Xan'Tartica, but is originally from the Force User Reservation nearby.

Occupation (if any):  He works on the lower deck of a flying ship for an Ether corporation by day and supplements his income by drawing scathing political cartoons for newspapers on a freelance basis. He also voluntarily samples new combinations of tainted ether before his roommate sells them, but that doesn't pay.

Skills/Hobbies (if any):  Drawing, writing, crossdressing. He's also unusually flexible.

Financial/Societal Caste: Quite poor, social outcast.

Weapons (if any):  His umbrella hides a blade (like so!) and his proficiency with it is generally mediocre. It's largely for self defense and he has no combat training of which to speak, so he can pretty much just thrust/stab and block with it.

Equipment (if any):  Umbrella, thick jacket, Ether meter (turquoise, default sounds). He has a messenger bag which contains: pencils, a sketchbook, a notebook, a medicine bottle, assorted gummis, his wallet and a bottle of ginger ale.

Back Story:  

00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by sagiri on 29th June 2013, 12:25 pm; edited 3 times in total
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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Guest 27th April 2013, 1:14 pm

Name: Xerxes Manna Cotta
Age: 24
Gender: M
Color Code: white
User Unit : 3 (Telekinesis), 2 (Concealer)
Registry Code: 2J46v01
User Abilities:
This Force is basically telekinesis. He has the ability to flip desks and other fun things over, based on what he is simply looking at and where he would be looking. The larger the object and the farther it has to travel, the more Ether is consumed. Base limitations include being able to lift up to a small building, and firing small things at a high velocity. 50 meters is its' effective range.


This force allows him to (temporarily) conceal his Aura's signature, simple as that. It basically means he has the ability to mask his signature and become invisible to higher-grade Force User Detection technology. He can choose to mask someone else, and can choose to mask it for a long time.

Swapping between the two takes half a minute.

Hometown/City/Reservation: Vrin'daa, the Sky Town, Challiswor.
Occupation (if any): Pro Card Player
Skills/Hobbies (if any): Gunslinger (fast and precise shots at the expense of defense), Card Thrower, Gambler (willing to take risks most people wouldn't take)
Financial/Societal Caste: Sufficiently Wealthy (+ for winning at gambling, + for competitive shooting, + for Aura Smuggling, - for Ether Addiction)
Weapons (if any): Twin pistols (Expertise), Steel Deck of Cards (Expertise+)
Equipment (if any): At least five doses of CE in injection form, different types of IDs and cards to be able to use his money freely.

Back Story: God damn it, she was his friend. His best friend. Nay, his only friend. After all, as a child, he was more geeky and mathematically inclined than the other kids and his parents? They didn't much care! As the black sheep of the family, he wasn't too much cared about and he wasn't cared about at school, save for her... Before, he was just the nerdy math geek who had an affinity for card games. After that fateful day, he lost it all. He lost Michelle, he lost his family, he lost his chance at a high education... All because of a push of a chair. But who needs all that? He decided, instead, to use his talents for more than just math.

He was registered the moment after he was shunned by his best friend by that teacher. For years, the bracelet that he was assigned continued to torment him as he used his Force to help others, in a bid that they would like him. Especially Michelle, but after a year, he just decided to up and leave. The system didn't work for him. The bracelet on his arm continued to bleep and bloop annoyingly with a high nasally voice as he did his travels, doing some time here and there and having to pay off most of his gambling winnings. By the time he was 17, he decided that it was the only way to survive. At night, he placed his bracelet on a random person from the skeevy hotel he was staying at and made off in the night. It was almost foolproof. ALMOST. He faced the city walls, remembering that they could detect auras. Fuck.

It was then that he calmed down and focused, walking past the city borders with not so much as a blip, if even for a moment. The fact that he got away was a huge blow to the Ether Hounds, and Xerxes has been on the run ever since, gambling and being the cool cat that he learned he had to be. Not just for himself, but on the off-chance that he could meet her one last time... and then punch her in the jaw when she least suspected. She would pay. They all would.

00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by Artorius on 3rd August 2013, 2:19 pm; edited 6 times in total

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Guest 1st May 2013, 11:27 pm

Name: Lorelei Abendroth

Color Code: #B24343

Age: 18

Gender: Female


User Unit : UU4

Registry Code: XPRS772

User Abilities: Bio force - the ability to affect the biochemistry of other living beings. Mostly themselves, however with great concentration they are able to affect others as well.


Hometown/City/Reservation: Vrin’daa, the “Skytown.”

Occupation (if any): None (Unless thieving counts?)

Skills/Hobbies (if any): Good with hand to hand combat. Lock picking, sneaking, pick pocketing, and stealing.

Financial/Societal Caste: Poor growing up, now wealthy after mother re-married.

Weapons (if any): Her hands, occasionally small weapons like knives and daggers if she can get her hands on them.

Equipment (if any): Besides the clothes on her back, she has gloves she wears to keep any skin on skin contact at the barest minimal. Lock picks in a small pack she keeps on her. Ether Meter.

Back Story: Lorelei had always grew up fighting for what she had earned. Her family had been poor--mainly due to her fathers inability to not use his force(he was a force heal)--and so she made due by taking from others. She always tried to take from people who could afford it. He father died--when she was 12--one day while trying to help save a boys life. It was also around then that she found out that she too had a force;only her's first manifested in a not so nice way, in her grief she killed the stray cat she had adopted when her force spiked out of control. Once they had realized what had happened, she tried her hardest not to repeat the incident.

At the age of 14 her mother remarried to a wealthy man that had taken pity on the woman attempting to raise a teenager on her own. While her mother and step-father seem happy together, she trusts him about as far as she can throw him. Even with the sudden increase of money, she continued to steal. It had become a sort of hobby for her. She also didn't like accepting things from her step-father, it made her feel as if she owed him. Her step-father and her don't really get along, mostly because of her distrust for him, and the fact that he continues to have to get her out of trouble for her crimes. The only thing stopping her from really being in trouble is she never uses her Force during her crime sprees.

She wants to leave Vrin'daa. She even has the means to do so. There is only one single thing stopping her. She is afraid of heights. The fear that if she gets on an air ship to leave, she will fall to her death is so bad that she can't even get close to the base. She has tried many times, but her fear as always stopped her.

Last edited by MechanicalAngel on 2nd May 2013, 12:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Vye 1st May 2013, 11:42 pm

Name: Zoey(Zabaniya/Zabanya) Markovich
Color Code: #B40431
Age:  28
Gender:  Female

User Unit :  Non-Force User
Registry Code:  Non-Force User
User Abilities:  Non-Force User

Religion: Filial Piety
Hometown/City/Reservation:  Elven Hinterland
Occupation (if any):  President of a small Elf Refinery in the northern outskirts of the Hinterland Citadel
Skills/Hobbies (if any):  Management/Clerical competence. Proficient in martial arts(Mixed style of Taekwondo and Choy Li Fut), able to deliver heavy kicks and punches, quite nimble. Practices meditation through tai-chi. Also a good strategist and enjoys puzzle games.
Financial/Societal Caste:  Wealthy. Every so often, Zoey sneaks to her mother's house to give her enough money to buy food and other necessities
Weapons (if any):  Skilled with, and carries two hook swords both strapped on one side. Enjoys holding one sword back-handed and the other normally. Doesn't handle her swords this way often.

Back Story:

00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by Vye-Avis on 28th July 2013, 10:46 pm; edited 12 times in total
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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Guest 2nd May 2013, 3:21 pm

Name:  Ace Alavance

Color Code:  #01DFA5

Age:  25

Gender:  Male

5 foot 10

User Unit :  UU3

Registry Code:  X7Y11V7

User Abilities:  Force Chaos: Chaos is the anti-element (negative element) upon coming in contact with any element (or basically anything that came from nature, that does no have an aura), it will change its characteristics to something random and unpredictable. Ace may also use up more ether and energy to obliterate instead of randomly altering.

Force chaos can also be used like a normal element, as an offensive or defensive ability, it's appearance is black with a hue of purple, it is also very confusing and weird to look at due to it being the very essence of chaos, it constantly changes form, shape, and appearance. (Can make one feel as if they were on an acid trip xD Leah's words!) To look at it for extended periods of time can actually become a source of mental torture.

All abilities used with force chaos emit from the force user himself, and he cannot create more than one attack at once but can maintain multiple different, already executed spells, at a time. Up to three full barriers are his current limit.

Taking damage from chaos will directly damage your aura causing pain and gradual exhaustion the more the person gets hit. This will also effect force users effectiveness with their force since it is damaging their aura, the source of their force.

Hometown/City/Reservation:   Elvan Hinterlands, The Citadel.

Occupation (if any):  Ace works with the Elves and has become quite respected amongst their ranks and is quite valued. He has been put on the front line in many battles fought alongside his "Elf" comrades, his force being to rare but noticeable for him to be in any stealth operations. Sword fighting/Hand to hand combat teacher.

Skills/Hobbies (if any):   Very skilled in hand to hand combat and sword fighting. He loves sparring, Training both in physical and in technique, climbing buildings and jumping roof to roof (is quite skilled and agile in that department.) and finally he likes going for walks. Oh and he likes sports.

He is decent at throwing projectiles (throwing knives) and has a pretty good aim, but his technique when it comes to throwing knives could still use a little work.

He also knows how to use first aid.

Financial/Societal Caste: Comfortable, he makes a living working with the Elves.

Weapons (if any):  One long sword an one short sword, he uses them most of the time in dual wield. But, these two swords can be merged together into a two handed sword. Expert, but still room for improvement since self taught.

15 Throwing knives (On his "chest" belt.) He is decent with these, does not always hit his target, but often does, although sometimes the hilt hits instead of the blade.

Equipment (if any):  -Sharpening stone
-A small throwing ball
-Leather gloves
-Lighter (Zippo)
-First aid kit
-Money pouch
-Agenda and Pen

Back Story:  Ace was a chaotic kid who always caused trouble, and did not accept punishment for his actions very well either. Because of this his relationship with his parents was always iffy, according to him anyway.

He didn't dislike them really, they were still his parents and he loved them, but he disliked not being able to feed his chaotic desires, with mischief and partial "destruction" (vandalism, etc.)

One day however, when he had done something that had upset the whole town he lived in, his punishment was a huge one. There was no way he was going through with it, Ace threw his biggest tantrum yet, and with it, came his destructive force Chaos.

Both his parents, who were scolding him when it happened, died at the awakening of his force. This was at the age of ten. From that point on, something about Ace changed, his chaotic nature died down even though he was marked with his force. The death of his parents was to him, a lesson, something that made him take a different path.

After an additional five months of staying at his home town, without his parents, only trying to care for his sister, who now hated him along with the whole town, he had enough of the bullying and the hate that he had been enduring in those previous months. So he left. He left to join a place he knew they would accept his destructive and chaotic force, the Elves.

Despite his force being the cause of death of his parents, he decided to improve in its use, to learn how to control it, and put it to a good use instead of letting it sleep from within him, useless.

Ace also picked up sword fighting, and developed his own techniques with his very own weapon style. One the involved three different kinds of swords while only actually possessing two blades. He was also taught how to fare well in hand to hand combat, which simply got better in better over the years and field experience when working for the Elves, until he was considered a master in both sword and hand to hand mastery.

He now teaches new recruits in those arts along with a few others, he is known to be strict, while being oddly playful, making him a very liked teacher.

Finally, despite all those years passed since the accident that caused the death of his parents, he would rather incapacitate his opponents then killing them, but will not hesitate to kill if absolutely needed, while feeling disgusted for doing so.

In his 15 years of service for the Elves, he became quite notorious amongst them and highly valued. His word or opinion is sought by his comrades.   Especially due to the fact that he has been in the front line of many battles and has come out alive.

Last edited by Jack-o-Panda on 24th July 2013, 8:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Guest 2nd May 2013, 9:35 pm

Name:  Abri Jamison

Color Code:  #00FF40

Age:  29

Gender:  Female


User Unit :  UU4

Registry Code:  AKJ2434

User Abilities: Force Persuasion: the ability to influence the thoughts and actions of the people around her through her voice.  The influence lasts until the person is released by vocal cue or she is out of sight.  Eye contact is not needed to begin or prolong the influence.  All user statements used in post that will have the force persuasion behind it will be underlined so they are easily distinguishable.


Hometown/City/Reservation:  Industrial Commonwealth of Mittgar; lives in the city in a middle class neighborhood, her parents' home.

Occupation (if any):   Works at Holistan's Ether Refinement and Pharmaceutical Industries as a tester in the Ether Testing and Purification division; self-employed as ether smuggler

Skills/Hobbies (if any):   Highly skilled in ether testing/purification, ether medication production, math, chemistry.  She’s a skilled liar and easily deceptive.  Her hobbies are smuggling, playing piano, and singing.  She is also skilled in hand to hand combat and shooting small handguns

Financial/Societal Caste:  Abri outwardly appears middle class, having a blue collar job at the refinery.  In actuality, she is reasonably wealthy, with her money from smuggling going to family, charity, and hiding places around her home.  Makes 7,000 virtual credits per week at the refinery, makes about 10,000 paper credits per month with smuggling.

Weapons (if any):   Proficient with daggers and handguns (non-ether); also trained in hand to hand

Equipment (if any):  Daggers and handgun, backpack, light but insulated long leather coat, Palamino mare named Buttercup


Back Story:

00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by lilygirl on 19th May 2013, 8:50 pm; edited 3 times in total

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by HikariKuragari 2nd May 2013, 11:31 pm

Name:  Arvaneh Nasreen Airleas

Color Code:  #00CC66

Age: 30

Gender:  Female


User Unit : UU2

Registry Code: D8921K5

User Abilities: Metal Make - Creates Steel or Artificial Chordium to shape in armors/projectiles weapons & others(Please see details in spoilers). Anything that she make out of steel is permanant until she decide to change it or that it get destroyed/heavily damaged. Anything made out of Chordium have a certain time limit before it shatters and she would be immune to its effect, but other force users around her could have difficulties. See spoiler for details.

Check details on the ability in the spoilers ;

Hometown/City/Reservation:  Vrin’daa, the “Skytown” is where she is from. Now however she travel the world for merchant trades on her ship.

Occupation (if any):  Self-employed. Captain of an airship working with ether as source of energy. Goes from place to place to deliver merchandise, sometimes transport people who wish for a lift for a reasonable price. (Under the clean surface however hide the Captain of a pirate ship. She sometimes launch attacks on other ships and steal all their goods, reselling those after and taking more money for her ultimate goal.)

Skills/Hobbies (if any): Subject to have info added if I forgot stuff :

Financial/Societal Caste: Wealthy. Her business is working well and she was already comfortable in money before this.
Weapons (if any): Small projectiles weapons produced by her force in advance looking like small shuriken and/or knives. Also have a light sword and a dagger equipped at all time that are real in case she would need to go on close combat. Extra set of small knives other than the ones she make with her force. She however always use her projectiles made by her force in advance first. Have a pistol which she barely ever use, some think it is for decoration. It is truly a real one however... she doesn't enjoy the use of fire weapon other than playing around with it or bluffing to obtain something.

**Check character picture for sword and dagger appearance ! As for the pistol... *

Equipment (if any): Armor produced by her force, may change depending to where she is going. It is always made of metal, most of the time one of steel, however and she always at least have a layer of metal over her skin and under her clothes or a chest plate for more dangerous jobs. The size and appearance of the chest plate and other possible armor varies from time to time. Most of the time she have armor that is not too heavy as her fighting style is more an agile style than anything else. Always have something in case she would have to undo a lock. Arvaneh also always have a water skin on her.

Ether Meter : Is always hidden under her boot, around her ankle. It is of brown color with a few black lines, almost look like leather to match the boot's color.

Back Story:
00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by HikariKuragari on 23rd July 2013, 10:06 pm; edited 6 times in total

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Guest 4th May 2013, 4:12 am

Name:  Emily Grantchester
Color Code:  #A4A4A4
Age:  25 years old
Gender:  Female
User Unit :  UU-4, UU-3
Registry Code:  BLD1356
User Abilities:  
1) Conquest (UU-4) – The ability to create a field (up to 100 meter radius sphere) that individuals identified as ‘hostile’ will not be able to enter. Those ‘hostile’ force-users caught within the field will be physically weakened and have their ether efficiency drastically reduced (down to 5% normal levels or by 2 user units at the very least) until they leave the field, to which they won’t be able to enter again.

2) Freedom of Speech (UU-3) – The ability to create up to ten orbs that can float and fly, and can also facilitate mental communication; basically, a limited yet simple and powerful network that cannot be tapped by any means except mind reading.

Hometown/City/Reservation: Born in Challiswor, moved to Cor'Thian for Task Force Operations
Registered Residence: Grantchester Estate, located near the outskirts of the city; a simple, unassuming house in Cor'Thian
Occupation (if any): Lieutenant of the Anti-ELF Task Force
Skills/Hobbies (if any):  

Financial/Societal Caste:  Wealthy
Weapons (if any):
- Katana - Expert
- Archery - Veteran

- Roukanken and Hakurouken
- Competition Bow

Equipment (if any):  
- Ether Meter
- Ether Tracker
- Ether Scanner
- First Aid Pouch
- Silver Necklace (memento from her deceased mentor and father)
- Lieutenant Badge

Back Story:  


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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Guest 5th May 2013, 12:10 pm

Name: Covina Maresca

Color Code: #FB74CC

Age: 24

Gender: Female


User Unit : N/A (Non force user)

Registry Code: N/A (Non force user)

User Abilities: N/A (Non force user)

Hometown/City/Reservation: Dedonia

Occupation (if any): Freelance Journalist

Skills/Hobbies (if any): Being a journalist writes, reads and can be nosy with the best of them.
She is also semi skilled in martial arts. Enough to protect her self.

Financial/Societal Caste: The family is well off and her parents are kind enough to give her anything she needs.

Weapons (if any): None

Equipment (if any): When she leaves the confines of her comfy home town she will travel by motorbike which runs on gas and have a backpack which contains a few days worth of clothing another pair of comfy shoes. At least 5 writing pads. What feels like endless amounts of pencils , among other writing equipment. Her diary and a wallet, within her wallet there is the usual credits and cash credits and a family card which she can use in emergencies. On her person she carries a refillable bottle of water.

Back Story:

00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by Nikkitty on 5th June 2013, 7:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Luna 5th May 2013, 4:32 pm

Name:  Sakura Alavance
Age:  24
Gender:  Female
User Unit :  NA
Registry Code:  NA
User Abilities:  NA
Hometown/City/Reservation:  Ilkairteon
Occupation (if any): Bounty hunter
Skills/Hobbies (if any):  Is a master marks man with her gun, Is also a master at throwing knives. She loves to read poetry and write poetry when she has the time. She is skilled in stealth and being unseen when needed.
Financial/Societal Caste:  Upper middle
Weapons (if any):  proficiencies: Guns, throwing knives, grenades and daggers. Equipped: one Guns, two throwing knives and currently one grenades. Has ten rounds of ammo for her gun, 15 darts only four has Chordium inside and ready to use. Has no extra chordium currently on her.
Equipment (if any): Weapons that are currently equipped, a bag that contains some clothes, food, contact information for clients, information on current bounties, rope, pencils, notebook and a knife sharpener.  Have ten rounds of ammo for her gun, 15 darts only four has Chordium inside and ready to use. Has no extra chordium currently on her. She is wearing a bullet proof vest and arm guards on.
Back Story:  When Sakura was younger, she watched as her brother Vincent killed her parents from trying to hone his Force skills. She turned her back on him and vowed that one day she would be strong enough to kill him and take revenge on all force users. It was their fault that innocent people died because they wanted their ether. If they would just keep their mouths closed and stayed on their reservations like they were supposed to then this would not have happened. Including her brother. Once he knew he had a force he should have went. How dare he not think of the other people living on this planet? As time went on she discovered she hated men. The way they approached her sometimes was just disgusting, thus she figured she was a lesbian as she did seem attracted to women. An older gentleman by the name of Navi Akayo, whom is in his fifties now, but when he was in his thirties he found the little girl running around solo announcing all her hate for force users. He took her in. He was a bounty hunter up until a freak accident made it too hard for him to travel and now he is retired. She began picking up bits of information from him and when she finally told him she was interested in his profession of bounty hunting he trained her on how to use the gun and any other information she would need to be able to do her job. For three years they were partners until his accident. So between 10-18 she was an apprentice then at 18 she became his partner and then at 21 she was on her own. She has decided she would rather have speed versus more armor so she only wears minimum armor.

00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by Luna on 15th June 2013, 12:48 pm; edited 3 times in total

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Kiseki 6th May 2013, 1:36 pm

Name: Kiran Holloway

Color Code: #E8FF72

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: His height is 5'11". Picture!

Religion: None

User Unit : 4

Registry Code: 81P9E25

User Abilities: Force Light: Kiran can light up any object he touches, and the light lasts for up to 5 minutes. It can be bright enough to temporarily blind someone who looks directly at it. He can affect existing light sources (not including the sun) by amplifying, diminishing, or changing the light's colour, which also lasts for up to 5 minutes. He is also capable of perceiving infrared light for up to 3 minutes. Kiran can use his force offensively by focusing light into a concentrated beam, which burns what it touches.  

Hometown/City/Reservation: Lives in Xan'Tartica, originally from Ilkairteon.

Occupation (if any): Has a day job working on an airship for the Ether Efficiency Enterprise. Also chemically refines Ether to be sold as drugs.

Skills/Hobbies (if any): Chemistry, refining Ether, cleaning, guns

Financial/Societal Caste: Fairly poor, social outcast.

Weapons (if any): Two handguns, skilled but not an expert.

Equipment (if any): The two guns, a pouch with extra bullets (he owns many bullets including 15 made of Chordium alloy, though he never carries all of them at one time), Ether meter (default settings, orange in colour)

Back Story:
Back Story:

00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by Kiseki on 29th June 2013, 9:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Tokahia 8th May 2013, 6:35 pm

Name:  Katey "Kate" Valendorf

Color Code:  #F00000

Age: 23

Gender:  Female

Appearance: Her height is 5' 8", she has black hair, green eyes


User Unit :  N/A

Registry Code:  N/A

User Abilities:  N/A

Hometown/City/Reservation:  Kate lives in a house outside the city limits of Verdania. On the other side of the river south east of Verdania near the mountain.

Occupation (if any):  Unemployed

Skills/Hobbies (if any): Skills - Sewing, Cooking, minor first aid, Reading books

Financial/Societal Caste:  Rich

Weapons (if any):  
Proficiencies - Handguns, Polearms, Throwing Knives, Hand to Hand
Equipped - Two Six shot Revolvers, 20 Throwing Knives, Custom Polearm - At one end is a large sphere the other end has three curved edges that resmble talons on a bird

Equipment (if any):  Two Revolvers, 120 extra rounds, 20 Throwing Knives, Custom Polearm, 5000 Credits in mixed bills.

Back Story:

Last edited by Leah7 on 4th July 2013, 4:26 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to link something. Added more to the Back story.)
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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Guest 3rd June 2013, 9:37 pm

Name: Nicholas "Nick" DeRamsey

Color Code: #1953ff

Age:   33

Gender:   Male

Appearance:   6'2", Green eyes, messy dark brown hair.


User Unit : N/A
Registry Code: N/A
User Abilities:  N/A

Hometown/City/Reservation:  Ilkairteon

Occupation:   Etherologist

Skills/Hobbies:   Research, the general sciences, Ph. D (or equivalent) in Ether Theory, good with paperwork and navigating bureaucracy, engineer by hobby, & violinist

Financial/Societal Caste:   Bottom of the upper class. Respectable but not noteworthy to the movers and shakers. Has a small research grant, and petty cash account through the university (receipts exist right?  :shock: ). He has a small but comfortably furnished apartment.

Proficient with & has:
- Medium caliber revolver (6 round load, 4 reloads)
- Lever action rifle (8 round magazine, 40 extra shells)
- Pair of kukris


Back Story:

00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10

Last edited by Axom on 21st July 2013, 5:52 pm; edited 14 times in total (Reason for editing : Formatting)

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Ink 4th June 2013, 12:36 am

Name:  Ratchet Hearken
Color Code:  #990000
Age:  25
Gender:  F
Appearance:  00FF40 - Future Force Registration Sketch___steampunk_bust_by_mizaeltengu-d5jed9t
User Unit : N/A
Registry Code:  N/A
User Abilities:

Hometown/City/Reservation:  Verdania
Occupation (if any):  Ratchet is self-employed and operates as and a bounty collector, spending most of her time traveling and hunting anyone they're offering a reward to catch.  She also hunts animals to sell their hides and meat.  She sells her inventions every once in a while as well, but usually "Garage Sale" style and not as a business.
Skills/Hobbies (if any):  Ratchet is surprisingly brilliant and is a remarkably talented inventor in many respects.  She is also a talented kick-boxer and a noticeably avid marksman.  Her mastery of firearms and second only to her overall genius mind as she is intelligent in far more than simply the field of invention.  She is incredibly agile and has a quick wit about her.  In fact, many have called her insane.  She has stated before that if she wasn't, she probably wouldn't be alive.
Financial/Societal Caste:  Ratchet's wanderer lifestyle makes classification of her financial situation difficult.  She is often seen as lower class or the bottom of the middle class.  Because of her lifestyle, however, she's decently well off to fend for herself in uncivilized territory.
Weapons (if any):
Proficiencies - Virtually any form of firearm, especially rifles and revolvers.
Equipped - Ratchet always has two revolvers on her person, tucked into the holsters around her waist, she carries a Rifle, resting in the harness on her back and wears a double-barrel shotgun in that same harness.  She also has a hunting knife and three sticks of TNT.

Equipment (if any):
Ammunition Belt - On Ratchet's belt is a pouch with 12 bullets for her revolvers, 30 shells for her rifle and shotgun, and 5 net capsules of her own design, also fired from the shotgun.
Water Canteen - Ratchet constantly travels and therefor must keep up her supply of water.
Matches - Aside from lighting the TNT, Ratchet needs a way to keep herself warm and cook her food.
Tools - Ratchet has a wide array of tools with which she can forge some of her greatest inventions.
Compass - Ratchet has a rather bad sense of direction so she relies pretty heavily on her compass and map.
First Aid Kit - Ratchet gets into trouble...a lot.
Bag - Ratchet has a large bag filled with her tools and necessities.
Skeets - Skeets is an invention of Ratchet's.  He's a little bug-like gizmo that can climb, fly with flapping wings beneath a shell, provide light with his eyes, and act on a sentient level.
Horse - Ratchet has a horse which she caught and tamed on her travels and is surprisingly still alive, considering the death wish that Ratchet seems to have.

Back Story:

Ratchet had been raised on three ideals; Success, Power, and Hatred of all things E.L.F.  What of these did she take to heart?  None of it.  In fact, Ratchet is far from "successful", has no desire to be in any position of influence, and admires the "Elves" to some degree, if only because, in her mind, they "Know how to throw a party".  Ratchet has always been the outsider, never staying in one place for long or taking anything seriously.  She rides on the wind and drifts from city-to-city.

When she was a little girl, her genius was already largely recognized.  She was only twelve when she made Skeets.  Her offbeat and often morbid sense of humor, combined with her tendency to get into dangerous situations made the question of her sanity arise.  It's gotten to a point where her treating everything as a joke or game, no matter how dark the situation, has granted her a reputation of being insane.  She goes out after some dangerous bounties and has cleared all of them.  Usually she enjoys taunting and mocking her targets.  Her animated personality, combined with her deadly efficiency has given her another standing reputation as being the "Bonkers Bounty Hunter" among a number of other titles that she finds amusing.

Having an innate love of chaos and wild things, she has a habit of seeking trouble to get into that won't end in boring old incarceration.  However, she's lately been spending more time in cities, searching for parts around factories that she can use for her inventions.

((For the Insanity bit, think Captain Jack Sparrow-isms with Deadpool-isms.))
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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Red 14th June 2013, 10:17 pm

Name: Cecily Rhoda 
Color Code: #31C3C6, possibly up to change what with the new post box and such

Age: 15 
Gender: Female 

Religion: She practices both some spiritualist and filial piety customs

User Unit : UU4 

Registry Code: N/A 

User Abilities: Force Spell - Unlike most forces, this force does not grant control of a specific effect. Rather, it allows the user to create 'spells' through focused meditation and store them in a mental 'spellbook.' Once stored, the user is able to call on these spells much like any other user uses their force, but the effects of each spell are specific and limited. While this force allows greater variety of abilities, each spell can take days if not weeks to create and solidify, and then days of practice afterwards in order to be able to effectively call a spell. As level increases, the amount of spells the user is able to store without pain or other such effect also expands. 
((A spell list has been provided to Leah and been approved)) 
Hometown/City/Reservation: Genevsa islands 
Occupation (if any): Hermit 
Skills/Hobbies (if any):  

Financial/Societal Caste: Poor – outside society 

Weapons (if any): 
Equipment (if any):  

Back Story:  

Last edited by Red on 21st July 2013, 4:31 pm; edited 7 times in total

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by JerriLeah7 29th June 2013, 11:27 am

If you have received balancing inquiries from either myself or MethosArchaic, please get back to us to let us know you are still working on it, please!!!

If you have not received balancing information from us, you will either be getting one soon or your character is incomplete and we will not be doing anything until your character is completed.  

We are almost ready to begin.  Thanks!

Soul Bearer

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by Guest 24th August 2013, 5:19 pm

Name: Zayin Galverdine

Age: looks early 20s

Gender: Male

Appearance: About 5’ 10” in height and 160lbs in weight. Seems a bit thin, but has surprisingly resilient muscles. His hair is mid-length, very dark brown, and kind of curly. He wears glasses when reading, but otherwise has unobscured deep blue eyes. He wears a simple cream-colored business suit and a soft blue tie to complement his eyes. He has a very proper, no-nonsense look about him while at work; kind and polite, but not very personable. Outside of work he is much more personable, but finds he has trouble talking to people much or relating well… still he is very nice and tries to be sociable.

User Unit: UU2

Registry Code: 0W77E1

User Abilities: Ether sensor: Can sense Ether, and feel its flows allowing him to know how a machine draws in Ether and how much it uses let alone how much a Force user utilizes.

City: Lives in Mc'Terra in a nice apartment supplied by his employers.

Occupation: Ether sensor. He can naturally predict Ether flows. He works for a large company which he does Ether forecasts for so they can maximize their Ether usage and production output depending on which plant they have active based on his advice. He also advises on how machines can use less Ether more efficiently.
He has a secondary ability involving crystals, but he is very secretive about it and almost no one knows of it because he does not use it unless alone and outside of the city.

Skills/Hobbies: Meditation, writing, exercising in movement forms similar to martial arts, dancing, crafting, glassblowing when he actually has a good chunk of time to himself, crystal collecting. He has been trying to make friends to develop more social hobbies, but he is still a bit awkward.

Financial/Societal Caste: Wealthy. Since he only uses his power for feeling Ether flows, the company spends little money on his Ether usage so his pay is more significant proportionally factoring that in with how useful his skill is for them.

Weapons: A wound up 2-foot long rod that looks like a scroll. Responds to aura channeling and has resilient cords that move at the will of the wielder. It is hard to control though and must retract back to the rod to assume different forms. Mostly used to spread out as a shield or form a woven whip. It relies on Aura for use and a tiny bit of Ether to activate. How it was made, and how Zayin attained such an item is unknown. It is disguised by its own appearance, and just looks like a decorative item to the untrained eye.

Equipment: When outside the city, he carries a thick, inner-padded leather pack which can carry something heavy across his back. Normally he has a smaller, more nondescript messenger bag that he carries a collection of hand sized crystals and his rod in regularly. He just wears a formal outfit and the tote to work.

Back Story: Zayin came to Mc'Terra from the north. He even lived in Xan'Tartica for a little while, but was not able to find work for his particular skill so he was transferred to Mc'Terra when a member of Alkyon, the company he works for now, heard of his ability. Zayin was a foreigner to be sure, not quite understanding some cultures and customs of such a technological centric city, but slowly he has adapted to his new home. His motivations for working for an Ether company like Alkyon are unclear. If asked, he says his parents advised him to get in good with people of wealth and power using his Ether sensing ability, and live a productive life. He seems to just live from day to day staying at his apartment when he has free time, dancing now and again but not mingling with the crowd, and taking more classes in glass blowing. Otherwise he keeps up a clean cut, nondescript demeanor and appearance at work... making him appreciated, but unremarkable and barely noticed.

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00FF40 - Future Force Registration Empty Re: Future Force Registration

Post by pichuspark 25th September 2013, 7:01 pm

Name:  Quinn  Arcanine
Color Code: color=white
Gender:  female
Appearance:  white hair, red eyes, 5’ 3’’ 107lb
Religion:  Filial Piety, Keltan
User Unit :   4
Registry Code:  QNN16F4

User Abilities:  Flame force
Quinn is currently able to create fire so long as she has enough stored ether. She can command the fire to take any form she’d like. Also, move in any direction. It is her choice whether the fire burns or not. Her wolf tail, ears, and fangs are disguisable, with only a few exceptions. They are side affects of my force ability. And, Quinn can absorb other fires. Though it will still take ether to do so, and also takes both concentration and will power. Quinn is immune to fire, which means she can't be burned. This doesn't require any ether or a response.
As she improves her power, she’ll be able manipulate fire more freely with less effort. Her fire will be hotter, burn faster, and glow brighter. She could use it to rocket herself for a limited amount of time, create larger amounts of it at once, more concentrated and smaller amounts, or even blue and white fire. When she is rocketing herself she has a 300ft range. To rocket any distance she needs to create a lot of fire, so it is harder for her to control what she does and doesn't burn. She may be able to absorb more concentrated amounts of ether while maintaining her composure. Because she's keltan, the possibilities for her are greater than most people with flame force ability.

Hometown/City/Reservation:  Dara'theon (Home Town) Challiswor (Current Town) Quinn lives in a ether reservation near-by but is rarely found there.

Occupation (if any):  Apprentice weapon/ cold blacksmith
Skills:  Quick, agile, flexible, spirited,
Hobbies: Enjoys force training, enjoys watching fire burn
Financial/Societal Caste: Dependent
Weapons: Handgun, lightweight sword
Equipment (if any):  amulet, grappling hook, money pouch, hammer

Back Story:  Quinn was born into a family of 4; her earth force mother, Bonnibel, her keltan father, Drengos, and her older, half sister earth and air force user, Rose. Rose thinks that she shares a father with Quinn, and are full siblings. Quinn is very opinionated and chose her own path. She is close to her sister Rose, and often train together to improve their skills. Quinn and Rose left Dara’theon for Challiswor for the preferable, livelier scene. In the reservation where Quinn and Rose live, a keltan friend of Drengos teaches Quinn about her descent. Also, he is her mentor to become a blacksmith while looking after her. Bonnibel and Drengos remained in Dara'theon, living a secluded life, they send a decent sum of money to us monthly. Quinn is aware of her power capacity and desires to reach it. Bonnibel gave her this information and teaches her as best she can. She is not a force flame user so Quinn is limited in what she can learn. Regardless, because of this knowledge Quinn has a bit of an ego. However, she does not see herself as being superior to any other force user; she thinks lowly of elves because they mistreat force users. She generally travels around the reservation as she pleases, and likes to keep a low profile to hide her wolf-like attributes as to not be further discriminated against.

00FF40 - Future Force Registration Approv10
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