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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Valoria

Post by JerriLeah7 4th May 2012, 7:42 pm

First topic message reminder :

Guild Name: Valoria

Guild Master: Mia Al'verowich

Guild Symbol: Silver star in the center of a purple plus sign that is outlined in a circle
Valoria - Page 4 Scan0015
Guild Slogan/Motto: "Time remembers the name of one with success."

Location: UMS, Holstien, and Sarrice Southwestern border, Chanda Lake

Guild Goals: Guild Growth and Renown, Achievement, Recognition

Guild Structure: Organized, generally based on skill, experience, and Quest achievements

Guild Members: Jentra Drengarro, Jacobi Rovegno, Anna Leclerc, Noah Delmont

Guild History:


Welcome to Valoria

Main area houses the bar and tables, as well as the jobs board, but all along the walls are the signs of guilds they've challenged and defeated, with one of the center large walls showing a large screen of the highest ranking guild members and their achievements. The back area houses an extensive training hall, filled with the armor, weapons, and artifacts of defeated warriors.

Additionally, the Master's quarters are just up the stairs, the entrance being a miniature balcony into the room, where she often sits to watch all in the Guild as they train, choose quests, and other such things. However, she's not out on the balcony on this early Saturday morning. Rather, she is sleeping in her bed, oblivious of the gray, threatening clouds above.

Last edited by Leah7 on 13th June 2012, 10:15 am; edited 4 times in total

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by Guest 16th June 2012, 9:15 pm

[Attn: Jacobi, Jentra]
"Well...since we're stopped anyway, I may as well get to work crafting. Try not to interrupt me unless it's life or death, okay?" Anna says, retiring to her tent. Spreading out her blanket, she decides to arrange things a bit in case someone needed her right away. Once she started, it would be bad to be interrupted, after all...

"Ten crystals...I can make five more for now. Shouldn't take too long..."

She takes the crystals she has from her pocket and arranges them in front of her. Two were attuned to fire; if it wasn't for the rain, she may have used one to start a fire earlier. One was attuned to wind; she'd had to use two already for various things, including jumping from a third-story window. Three were attuned to earth; she hadn't used them at all today. Two were attuned to water, and the last two were 'special', enchanted for a very specific type of magic. She hoped it wouldn't be necessary, but it didn't hurt to be prepared.

She waits a bit more until everyone has settled down before beginning.

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by MethosArchaic 17th June 2012, 11:47 am

[Attn: Anna, Jacobi]

"All-Right alright I get the point Jacobi. I'll let you take last watch since your sooooo tired." Jentra smiles almost a grin. "No crap about girls and beauty sleep. I got that stupid Needler Orb to reset anyway, wish I didn't have to do most of it by hand. Magic's great and all but it has its limits, and this sadly is one of them."

She pulls out the orb and the little black box, while Anna seems restless and ready for bed. "Ok Anna, I'll keep the fort, from everything but the Sandman that is. Try not to stay up too late, ok?" Jentra reaches into her pack to pull out a bundle of metal needles. She unwraps them and spreads them out. She waits for Jacobi to head off to bed before beginning, it was a bit embarrassing to be caught talking to your gadgets.

Opening the black box she pulls out a little stoppered bottle, giving it a shake to get rid of settling. Grabbing the little cork she works it back and forth till it pops, then sets it down. Also from the box she pulls out a pair of skintight and most importantly watertight leather gloves. "Ok time to begin, I hate reloading these things."

She takes about a quarter of them and puts the lot into the bottle to soak up the toxin. Sighing softly she realizes the she will only have enough for this orb and one more. "I really should make some more of you shouldn't I?" she asks the little jar unhappily, it of course gives no answer. "But it takes forever to prepare you and no offense buddy but you smell horrible when your cut up."

Jentra takes out her tri-section staff and applies a light oil to its joints and chains. "And you buddy did just fine the other day, helped get me admittance with Valoria and everything." She runs the oiled rag along the threads again affectionately.

Setting it down she gives the Needler attention again. "Ok time for you Medusa.". Jentra says as she takes a small candy-like ball from another pouch before pulling on the gloves. "Gotta fix that hair of yours, trust me I'll do it perfect. Promise" She reassembles the spring then goes about the task of putting needles in each of the holes.


With about half done she applies a soft heat resistant wax onto the holes she has finished loading, keeping them safe from water. "Ok teeny break Medusa." she mumbles as she applies her fists to her back and stretches. "Well its been like an hour, and I see Anna's still up I see. Busy little girl, she really should get some rest." Jentra puts the rest of the needles into the jar before cleaning her hands with alcohol.

"Well I'll be back to finish your hair in a bit, gotta go check on a little girl." Jentra gets up and picks up a few food items, along with her canteen and heads on over to Anna's tent.

Pulling back the tarp slightly she asks into the tent, "Hey Anna, I see your still up. I thought you might like alittle break, I don't think you've eaten anything since we left." Putting her hand into the tent she shakes the little cloth bundle with the food in it. "Brought some bread and some dried fruit... mostly raisins, I tend to eat the others first." She giggles softly in light embarrassment. "It ok to come in?"
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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by Guest 18th June 2012, 2:17 pm

[Attn: Jentra, Jacobi]
Anna had just completed her third crystal and was about to start on a fourth when she heard Jentra's voice from outside, offering her a snack. Her stomach growled a bit; she really hadn't eaten since they left. Now would be as good a time for a break as any.

"Yes, you can come in. I reached a good place for a break, anyway."

She places her new crystals, two wind and one fire, into her pocket and spreads her blanket out a bit more, giving Jentra a place to sit. She could always create the last two crystals at some later point.

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by MethosArchaic 18th June 2012, 5:09 pm

[Attn: Anna]

"Yes, you can come in. I reached a good place for a break, anyway." sounded Anna's adorable voice from inside the tent. Taking that as a cue Jentra dips herself into the tent, and noticing the blanket prepped she settles down crossing her legs.

Looking around carefully she taps her bottom lip in thought. "Well doesn't seem all that bad in here, at least not a live or death kinda thing." Jentra says childishly as she notices nothing glowing or dangerous in the room. Anna's stomach growls softly and Jentra girlishly replies, "Except for that."

Leaning in she gets mock serious, cupping her hand next to her mouth and whispers conspiratorially, "Did you eat Jacobi or something? Promise I won't tell." She gently settles the food bundle in Anna's lap and opens it up.
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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by JerriLeah7 18th June 2012, 10:29 pm

"Well, I sent some friends of yours on a Quest," Mia says with a commanding tone, "You're useful. So go help. I'll give ya a carriage with a driver--if you go all night, you can catch up. You can go work with Jacobi, Ann, and Jentra. Jentra's out new recruit--but it's a couple of hot chicks, so I doubt you should give up too much of a fuss. So go fetch. With them. They'll tell ya the mission. DOn't ask me questions, either. I'll get pissed again."

Mia is clearly upset about something--whatever she sent the others out to do was not pleasant at all. "Just follow the damn road--they're headed to Dark Ascension. You'll find 'em."

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by Guest 19th June 2012, 8:36 am

[ATTN: Mia]

Noah listens to Mia with and indifferent look on his face while still munching on his rock. When she speaks about hot chicks he raises an eyebrow and thinks *Really?...* but decides to keep his mouth shut until she finished talking. And when she does, Noah sigh's and stretches "Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed ... I guess ill do it .. Just cuz ur mad about it obviously, and anything messing with my guild leader is messing with me..." he says while cracking his knuckles.

He get's up and walks to the front door of the guild and then lifts up a finger "Oh! Mia if you had forgotten, I'm blind so the only way i can really tell how someone looks is by touching them... So I dont think that those hot chicks will really approve" he says with a small grin.

He than leaves the guild and get's in the caravan to than try to catch up to them. He tells the driver to wake him from his snooze when they encountered some people from his guild and he simply nods. "...well.. Are you going to answer me?" He says with a frown.

"Umm ... Yes sir i did.. I nodded..." he says, nervous.

"I'm blind moron .... Don't you know a blind person when you see one?" Noah says aggressivly.

"Oh... Umm.. My apologies"

Noah shakes his head, crosses his arms and thinks with a grin. "This must be so awkard And uncomfertable for the poor little guy..." followed with a chuckle. He than starts snoozing trying to pass the time faster.

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by JerriLeah7 21st June 2012, 2:11 pm

The rider rushes on into the night, grateful to have slept for most of the day. It isn't long before he exits the city as a whole and moves out into the kingdom. He sees a light in the distance, squinting his eyes to look forward.

Oh, shit. He thinks. Up ahead, it's a road block. It seems to be a bunch of scavengers hoping to charge toll for people to travel safely by. Either that, they'll raid them. He has nothing on him, but the Dragon SLayer would be pissed if he didn't warn him.

"Sir!" He says quickly as he slows, "We have company! Bad company. Men on the road with weapons. They aren't going to let us by."

A few minutes later, they are indeed stopped as one of the men step forward. "How many valuables you got on you?" The man asks bluntly.

"Nothing, Sire." The driver replies instantly, "I am only escorting this blind man here."

Soul Bearer

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by Guest 22nd June 2012, 12:18 am

"Hehe, of course I didn't eat him. But, um...It may not be life or death, but interrupting me while I work can be dangerous. The crystals get really unstable in the last few minutes of creation, so if my concentration gets broken, they tend to...well, explode a bit~" Anna says with a sheepish grin on her face. She begins eating as they chitchat a bit.

"So, tell me a little more about the contraptions you use~ They seem really neat, especially the orbs you used earlier," she says, wanting to get to know Jentra's style a little more. It always fascinated her how many unique forms of magic people were gifted with in the world.

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by MethosArchaic 22nd June 2012, 12:53 pm

[Attn: Anna]

As Anna mentions that her crystals might explode, Jentra stops nibbling on her raisins. "That sounds dangerous. Don't bump your elbow, got it." Anna starts eating food too.

After alittle small talk Anna asks the question, "So, tell me a little more about the contraptions you use~ They seem really neat, especially the orbs you used earlier,"

"Ohh those! Here let me go get it, I still have to finish one anyway." Jentra gets up and disappears from the tent. After a few minutes she comes back in wearing her gloves, holding a jar full of needles in one hand and the orb in the other. She settles back down and settles the jar between her crossed legs to keep it from spilling.

"O-K, well you know my ability is called 'Assemble' right?" At Anna's nod she keeps going, "It lets me put something together or take it apart. It's got some limits, like weight and range but mostly the parts need to be made to go together." Jentra holds up bronze orb.

"I tend to carry around the parts for weapons and things. But thanks to helping out my dad, I learned a fair bit about clockwork. Gears, springs and stuff like that. So i made a few of these." Jentra holds up the orb, half of it is covered in wax. "Inside is alittle complicated but its basically a tightly wound spring. I can reset or trigger it with my magic, but I have to load it every time I use it. Major drag, trust me."

Jentra takes one of the needles and slides it into the hole, then starts doing the rest. "Since my power is pretty useless in combat, I have to make all kinds of neat gadgets to balance out. Now the needles here are covered in a sleep toxin, I learned it from a herbalist who owned lots of horses. She often would have to treat them, so she learned to make this when they where unruly or hurt by predators. Made it lots easier to treat there wounds, trust me."

"I'd rather the bad guys fall asleep then die. Death is so final ya know? And they don't talk afterwards either. So I have Medusa for that, that's this orb. I have another one, really nasty but I never use him against people. So what do your crystals do, I mean besides make you a killing that is?" Jentra covers another small section in wax and turns the orb to another unfinished part and continues.
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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by Guest 22nd June 2012, 2:13 pm

[ATTN: Open, Blockade]

When the driver wake's Noah up to inform him about the road block, ge first growls out of irritation for being woken up, but than grins as he realises what the man just told him. "Fools.." he mumbles.

When they arrive at the blockade, Noah exits the carriage while the drivers wimpers to the other man. He goes up to the man interrogating the driver and says "what he says is the truth, I am a helpless blind man." With a desperate fake look on his face.

Noah then kneels in front of him, puts his and on the ground and grins. "Or not..." he mutters to himself. The rocks nearby all come to his hand and form a rock hand, five times bigger than regular size. He rushes up and grabs the guy's face with his rock hand.

"Listen up fuck faces, if u dont let me n my little carriage friend pass by here in ten seconds, you friend here can say bye bye to this dear head of his, so how bout it ?" he says chuckling with and intense looking grin.

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by Guest 24th June 2012, 9:56 pm

"Well, they're basically storage devices and conduits for mana~ I can't actually use magic without them, but with careful planning, I can store mana for use even in places where it'd normally be hard to do so~" Anna explains, twirling one of her crystals around between her fingers. More than just a simple habit, she'd developed her finger twirling skills in order to give herself a nonchalant reason to always have a crystal on hand in case trouble suddenly arrived.

"Unfortunately, I can only make up to fifteen of them at once, and I can't seem to use them for more than one spell without them breaking, even if it's something weak like starting a campfire..." she says with a small sigh. "So until then, I kinda need to save them for when they're needed. I only have thirteen right now...though I guess I could maybe do a small demonstration later if something convenient comes up..." she adds, pondering what sorts of situations she might be able to demonstrate with.

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by MethosArchaic 25th June 2012, 9:26 pm

[Attn: Anna]

"That's really cool. I always find that my magic is really second rate. I mean your's is so versatile and stuff right? Obviously you can do some attack or defense stuff since you don't have weapons. Jacobi's got the fear eye and his fists. There's alot of magic out there, and thought my magic is really useful for making things or work it's kinda lame in the umpf area." Jentra smears wax over another part of the Medusa.

"Well I best get back to guard duty Anna. Thanks for the talk, it was nice. Still got some time before I wake Jacobi and you probably need the time to prep some more before you zonk out." Jentra smiles as she gathers up her jar and stuff. "Try not to stay up too late. We have a long walk still before the train."

Opening the tent flap she smiles happily. "Night Anna." she finishes while dipping out of the tent and heading back to the fire to sit the rest of her watch. If nothing happens, she wakes up Jacobi.

[Attn: Noah, and unfortunate casualty AKA: the Driver]
[POV: Fron, 2nd in Command of this bunch of idiots]

All was going well, well not really. First the robbery had gone smoothly. up till they found out that the driver had nothing but a blind coward. Then that coward had turned the tables and turned out to have some crazy ass rock magic. DAMN it just wasn't going good. Now George their leader was standing with his head locked in a giant fucking hand.

There George was starting to whine and moan like a bitch. 'Well this is just fucking perfect.' Fron thought with a sigh. "Ok dude, just let our leader go." He rose up his hands in surrender. "We'll let you go, this ain't worth this shit." Then men where watching him. There where some men up in the tree's off the sides of the road, ready. Two on either side in fact, maybe 30 yards back.

He took a step back and locked eyes with one of the guys up above him. He spread his hands wider to the sides. "Just who the fuck are you anyway?" he said as his he stepped back into the group of his men. This heist wasn't going nearly the way they had planned it. 'ohhh well' he thought.

Grabbing the loaded crossbow from the man beside him he pulled the latch. the bolt springing through the air. "Bye, George." he said as the bolt slammed through his former leader's back and out the other side at Noah.

[OoC: The men around Fron will rush towards Noah after a second with axes and clubs. The men off to the left of Noah will shoot the driver, killing him. While the men to the right will shoot bolts at Noah. Once the others reload they too will start shooting at you. Fron who is behind the men will attempt to steal the carriage while his men keep you busy. Then they guys in the tree's will run off into there respective sides of the woods, and any survivors fighting you will try to run as fast as they can away.]
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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by Guest 26th June 2012, 9:31 am

[ATTN: open]

Noah yawns at Frons big story and life diaspointments, until his attitude changes into a "fuck it" one. He knew this would end up in a blood bath, for them that is. He could feel all their nervous footsteps. Fron than decides "off with george" and shoots his crossbow at them. Noah had taken a step to the side anticipating the shot, it went through George and stumble a few feet away.

Noah tosses George aside and gets into fighting stance, waiting to "see" what they were all doing. Once he finished analysing all their footsteps, Noah goes into action. He first hits the ground making four rows of stalagmites in a cone devestate the poeple charging at him, he than rises a earth wall from the ground to block the bolts that were bound to come from the right , and they did, but he than feel a bolt skimming his arm from the left. He thinks *Oh shit*. One bolt hits him right under the collar bone making cringe and let out a moan or agony. "You sneaky fuckers" he says out loud, than rises up what would seems to be an army of rocks as big as baseball's and blind fires them towards the directions he got shot from hoping it would hit, and last for cowardly Fron, he hears the carriage starting so he kicks the wall breaking it off the groud and sending it flying towards Fron and yell's out "ROAR OF THE EARTH DRAGON" backing up the wall with one of the Dragonslayers most powerful magic attacks.

He than waits and tries to feel if there are any footsteps or crawlers left, panting. That was quite the outburst of magic. He cringes holding his shoulder.

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by MethosArchaic 28th June 2012, 5:30 pm

[Attn: Noah]

One of the men in the tree's to the right falls to the ground as he tries to dodge your hail of rocks. The other tucks behind the tree trunk for shelter till they pass.

Your attack on Fron crashes not just into him but into the carriage as well, knocking it over and destroying it. The carriage takes the horses down as their rigging tangles them up and they begin to hurt themselves trying to get free.

As you attack Fron with the wall the men off to the left and the guy hiding behind the tree point their crossbows at you. They aim, and shoot at you again. The guy on the ground tries to get up fails, groaning in pain at his broken back.

One of the bolts from your left, grazes a furrow along your calf. The other two shots hit the ground around you. They men will start reloading and hide for cover the best they can before taking another shot at you. They obviously are worried about what you can do.
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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by Guest 30th June 2012, 9:09 am

[ATTN: Open]

Noah growls as the pain continues to burn him and as those fucking crossbowmen refuse to give up. "Thats it im angry now.." he says as he picks up a rock and shoves it down his throat. "Ahh, tasty... You guys are going down now that ive eaten." he says with a grin and one eye closed due to the pain.

He runs two steps forward than crouches as an earth pillar comes Out from underneath him, making him jump up quite high. He does a front flip at the peak of his jump and then starts descending, he is about right in the middle of both tree's. As he descends he makes two fists and lift his arms towards the sky preparing for the impact.

As he lands he bashes his fists to the ground creating a huge shckwave in the earth. The shockwave expands immensly around him, looking like a wave in the ocean but made of earth, also an earthquake took place at the same time. Right during the impact Noah screams in pain and after his spell is launched he holds his shoulder and pants "mother fucker this hurts..." he says in a whisper.

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by MethosArchaic 1st July 2012, 12:07 pm

[Attn: Noah]

As you slam into the ground you hear a loud snapping noise in your shoulder region. Then it's followed by a paralyzing pain making you topple over and fall to the ground. Your broken collar bone sends another lance of pain through you threatening to knock you unconscious.

Your earth wave topples over trees and you hear the screams of the men as they fall and get enveloped by your attack. As you lay there breathing, in horrible pain you don't hear them anymore. It seems you have gotten them all, but at a heavy cost.

You can not move, the slightest action draws you excruciating pain, even breathing. As your mind clears a little and you lay still, you can feel that your bleeding from that wound. It appears that the bolt has also torn the wound open more, tearing veins and arteries. Unluckily for you, the bolt is the only thing slowing down your blood loss. Instead of seconds it will be minutes maybe an half hour at most before you bleed to death.
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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by Guest 1st July 2012, 12:49 pm

[ATTN: Open]

*Holy shit... This hurts like a bitch...* he thinks to himself. *I gotta do something about this bleeding...* he continued. He concentrate and creates earth on his wound to make a kind of earth skin to cover it up and stop the bleeding. He takes the bolt out and as he does he screams in agony, followed by moans he covers that up as well with earth skin and than wraps earth around his whole shoulder area and hardens it creating a sort off bandage.

"Hopefully.. This will hold up.." he says in a whisper. He attempts to get up without putting weight on his damaged side and whimpers while trying.

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by MethosArchaic 3rd July 2012, 5:38 pm

[POV: Ancestral Spirits of Noah]

Noah's ancestors looked down onto there dying kin. His actions had led him to this outcome, after all he might have made many different choices and lived. Many of them sympathized with the soon to die kinsman, they too had been reckless or unprepared for life's hard lessons.

As they discussed and argued over the reason of why it had happened like this, they all came to a general consensus: Power had bred carelessness. If he had chosen to defend and evaluate rather than commit to reckless aggression he would have prevailed easily.

Noah had destroyed his defense against the true threat to attack the weaker Fron on the carriage. The real danger had been the crossbowmen, the ones Noah hadn't been able to see. His rage had gotten out of hand and he had vented it at a crucial moment. It happened, more often then they wanted to admit to themselves.

One of the spirits nudged another and soon the whole group turned there attention as a person arrived on the scene.

[Attn: Noah]

In your delirious state your magic picks up the footsteps of someone as they approach. Your patch job has slowed the bleeding but not enough. You can't move and hardly can think, you can't use your magic at all.

The person approaches and leans down. "Wow! What happened here?" the voice is definitely female. You grunt trying to respond but even that proves almost too much and you almost slip back into unconsciousness. "Still alive? Jeez, who would have thought. Here this will help." she whispers comfortingly as she puts a cool cloth onto your head.

"Don't move, I am going to check the wound." She carefully cuts your shirt open and looks at it. "Muscular damage, arterial tearing.... and your collarbone is shattered." You hear the sloshing of water as the cloth is lifted from your brow and soaked again.

She returns the cloth to your forehead and for a moment you wish you could see again. The pain fades slightly from the coolness of the cloth. A munching sound can be heard as she pops something into her mouth and chews. "It's alright, help will be on it's way." The way she says it brings you hope.

You try to say something, but again you aren't able to form words. She strokes your forehead gently in a motherly way or the way one does a lover. "Shhhh, they are on there way." She stands up and starts heading away again. "Ohhh don't want me to leave?" she says as she hears a soft groan from your lips. "Just for a little while more then."

You can't see her anymore with your power or even yourself, but you aren't feeling any pain. Perhaps it's her, maybe she is a magic user, a healer even. She leans down and caresses your neck while reassuring you. "Ahh. Here He comes now." she says, though to you it seems a whisper almost far away.

You wonder who it is that she is referring to. A strange silence stretches on, you don't even hear yourself anymore; though you do still hear her voice, strange how funny that is.

"It's already too late." her voice whispers and then you know who He is. His name is Death.

[Attn: Jacobi and Anna]

A screech wakes you up Jacobi. A startled noise and the flapping of wings fill the tent as a bird flaps itself to safety.

The falcon watches you and seems to be waiting as if this is normal. Then as you start to get up it flies out of the tent and takes to the air. You notice that the fire has died out and it comes to you that Jentra never woke you up for your watch.

Her sack is laying there, odds and ends of her gear strewn about. Inspecting the ground will lead to the observation that some kind of scuffle broke out, but it appears she was taken away. Checking her tent also shows that she never settled down to sleep. More of her things lay untouched inside.

Through it all the bird circles above screeching at you, getting your attention. Even if you scare it away it will come back and circle again. It has something it wants to show you it seems, and that you need to follow.

Should you and Anna follow it, it will lead you back the way you came. Otherwise it will follow you, trying to get you to follow it should you try to leave, screeching insistently.

Eventually it will leave if that is your choice.
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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by xenolion 3rd July 2012, 9:33 pm

{Attn: Anna, Open}

Jacobi wakens sharply. He hears a bird screeching like it is right in his tent. He opens his eye to see the bird watching him. What the…He starts to rise and the bird flies to the exit of the tent. He steps out and sees the fire had died. Not only that, but it is much later than it should be. Dumb newbie never woke him up for his watch. She probably thinks she still needs to prove herself, shit for brains she is.

He looks around the campsite and sees all Jentra’s equipment strewn about. He searches the ground and sees proof of a scuffle. *Oh Fuck* He runs to her tent and her bag was nice and neat along with her items. Not only that but the crazy bird is screeching incessantly. He swats at it and it comes right back up.

He goes over to Anna’s tent and is relieved to see her sleeping. “Come on princess wake up, we have to get moving.”

The damn bird was still screeching. Like a dog that is trying to get an owner’s attention. “Anna you have a choice stay here and watch camp or come with me to get Jentra back. Mia will kick my ass if I lose her.”

He looks at the bird. “Alright I get the hint quick screeching already. I am coming with you.” He grumbles to the bird.

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by Guest 4th July 2012, 9:27 pm

[ATTN: Mia]

A blonde cat come in through the guild doors as some one opens it. He gently skips by all the members and the obstacles. The cat goes straight to where Mia is, sniffing her out.

As soon as Mia is in the line of sight of the cat, it starts purring intensly. It goes up to Mia quietly and once there he rubs his head up and down her leg and meows while still purring.

He than stops carressing his head on her and sits down looking up at Mia with intent, while licking his jowls and scratching the back of his head.

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by JerriLeah7 5th July 2012, 9:29 pm

The Council Official that is in her office looks oddly at the cat as it greets Mia, bringing a smile to her face. He is nervous about managing her guild while she's away--she seems to be a bit of a tight ass.

"I won't have to watch that cat, too, will I?" He asks, sounding as if he's joking, but being serious.

"Of course not." Mia says as she then looks down at the lovely creature and pets it, "You're coming with me. We've got work to do."

He raises an eyebrow as half of him secretly wonders if she's insane. "Are you...talking to your cat?"

"Yes, I am." Mia says rolling her eyes impatiently, "Are you ready, or not? I have to leave soon."

Soul Bearer

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by Guest 6th July 2012, 12:39 am

[Attn: Jacobi]
Anna slowly woke as Jacobi called for her. She hadn't slept well, and it took her a minute to get her bearings, but she soon noticed that something was amiss.

“Anna, you have a choice; stay here and watch camp or come with me to get Jentra back. Mia will kick my ass if I lose her,” Jacobi said, his face twitching in annoyance. The most likely source would have to be that annoying bird...

Suddenly, what Jacobi just said hit her.

"J-Jentra is gone?! I'm coming with you!" she cried out, quickly grabbing a few of her supplies and preparing herself to follow after him. It seemed they would be following after the bird.

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by Guest 6th July 2012, 8:31 am

[ATTN: Mia, council man]

The small adorable fur ball purr's even more as Mia pets him, he brushes up to her hand as it come close and licks it, he even roll's over on his back and starts playing with her hand, tapping it with his paws or trying to nibble on her fingers. The man than says his comments about him and Mia so he stops and looks at him.

The cat keeps purring while sitting and looking at the man. When the council member looks towards him the cat sticks its tongue out at him and winks. It turns in a circle sits againand seemingly starts to grow bigger. It meows in a very unlikely way "MEEEEOOOOOO-AAAAA" it was taking the appearence of a boy. In a few seconds, standing where the cat once was, is a young blonde man with sets knive-like devices at his belt.

He chuckles at the council members astonishment. "Thats right man, im'a boy-cat. Nicko's the name, its a pleasure to meet ya" he says with a thumbs up. He than turns to Mia not letting the man respond and smiles from cheek to cheek. "HOW YA BEEN MISSY?" he says excitedly "And where we headed?" he says with intregue.

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by xenolion 6th July 2012, 11:43 pm

{Attn: Anna}

Jacobi packs his stuff up along with Jentra. He does not like carrying two bags like this as it will hinder his fighting. *Jentra is going to pay for this, along with the asswipes who took her. This is taking them off their mission.*

He looks at Anna who follows him. “I am impressed, well you better keep up. This little stunt of hers is taking us off our mission.”

He sighs and turns his head back around, his eye scanning the trees for the bird. He wonders where this trail will end and how much Mia will bitch him out for this detour.

xenopouncer extraordinaire

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Valoria - Page 4 Empty Re: Valoria

Post by JerriLeah7 11th July 2012, 3:32 pm

"What the...?!" THe man starts, but Mia ignores and interrupts him as she chuckles and crosses her arms, looking at Nicko. She puts her arm on his shoulders before making her way towards the exit.

"I have a Guild Council Meeting..." Mia says with a smile, "But I guarantee this won' be as near as drab as the last one I took you to."

She stops right at the exit and looks at the silently shocked man. "You. Keep my Guild safe. Or else. You don't want to add to my pissy mood, got it?"

"Y-yes, ma'am." He replies as they exit. She then laughs a little in the hallway as she pats Nicko's head. She is lightening up, finally.

"Ah, Nicko, you always could cheer me up. Get your stuff ready to go, will ya? We need to head out now-ish. Let's go."

Soul Bearer

Posts : 10868

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