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Etheriest Role-Play

Stadium Collab: Part 2 of 2

The crowd cheers as Alyssa signals the safety and Varik laughs with joy, "Oh, yeah, guys, Reign is safe and she moves back onto the grid.  Phara moves in immediately, ready to knock her down--she misses!  The crystal is lost, guys, what a sad waste.  That's gonna blow later--"

Chaz states, "Oh, no!  Ellie and Brodie are at it again, these two are in it for the win.  Look at that serpentine pattern for a chase!  Oh, ho, James makes it in behind Ellie and now she's flanked as Reign goes down again--this time, she's in the pit, so sorry for that, Reign, good game!  Good game."

Varik says, "We've got two out for gold, one for blue, it's looking--YES.  That was INTENSE, guys.  Let me tell you!  Let's have a replay on the big screen as Ellie slips out of the dual toss and causes Brodie and James to out each other!  Make that four to one, Chaz.  Things are looking good for the blue team."

Sophie just happened to have the camera in the right place at the right time and was able to get her sister.  She begins cheering for her, the camera falling to her chest.  She is really proud of her sister.
Something higher in the stands catches her eyes.  She moves the camera up and sees a sign with Ellie’s name on it.  She takes a few quick pictures, knowing Ellie would love it too.

Brae is locked onto Ellie, watching as she's flanked, standing up suddenly with tightened fists as he clasps onto the sign and watches with intense excitement to see what happens.  "C'mon Ellie, he's behind you, look behind ya!"  He doesn't say this too loudly, since he's mostly talking to himself, but he waves up the sign, anyway, knowing she won't be able to see it.  

After a few short seconds, Ellie ducked and dodged to the side, the two opponents hitting each other with their crystals and knocking each other back into voids of the grid.  Ellie almost slipped into a missed square as she did this, but she gained her balance and Braedon cheered.  "SHIT.  THat was CLOSE!"  Braedon yells.  "That's my girl!!!"

Varik smiles, "Oh, yes, this is going to be good, the grid is already down to a third of it's start size and there are gaps everywhere.  Now our players are hopping through the gaps and trying to get to each other.  Looks like Gene is surrounded by holes and we are not sure how he's going to get out of that corner."

Chaz shakes his head, "Coach, what do you think, got any tips for your lost corner man?"

Delilah was flinching, ducking and weaving as she watched the team do the same. She wanted to shout 'he's behind you!' or 'to your left!' even though she knew no one on the field would hear her. She can tell Pierce is mainly focused on #11, Ellie, and though they all look the same from this distance, she tries to keep her eyes on her; cheering alongside Pierce when he shouted words of encouragement, hopping up and down excitedly.

"Well if I were in that situation, I would try to make the jump. Being in the corner isn't good, but if I don't think I can make that jump, then I would instead try to bob and weave around the crystals being thrown at me, and hope that they miss the ground around me.

Varik laughs, "There you have it, good luck Gene, I hope you can make that jump!"  

Chaz starts in, "Oh, man!  Only three left on gold, but look at that, they turned it around!  Kennan, Orrin, and Siege are down after being flanked and pushed into a center and ringed-out!  That was amazing, folks, what a maneuver!  Three to three left on the field and one blue is cornered--it looks like Ellie is gonna try to cover him while he makes the leap, Gene goes for the jump--"

"OH, he's on the edge and Ellie cannot help him catch that balance, but she tries to get Kennan out, she tosses--"  Chaz says.

The crowd suddenly shouts as Varik continues in a mourning tone, "Woah, that had to hurt!  Vest jumped over to take the hit for Elli and Ellie hits Kennan and he's down, but now Vest has knocked into Ellie, who's knocked into Gene and the fall counts--all blue are out just in the end, that's gotta hurt, my friends, what a loss."

The coach whistles as the match closes and the two remaining gold players throw their hands in the air as the stadium rises from their benches with cries of joy and excitement from the end game.

Varik sighs, "Man, that was a quick game, I did not see that cutting out so fast, but this is what happens on the shorter teams when you have a hard hitter on each team.  Most points for players went to Ellie Eleven and Kennan Five, tied with eighteen points and with Gene Nine taking second place with ten--I really think he could have gotten some more points if he hadn't been cornered at the end there, Chaz."

"Oh, man, what a shame," Chaz adds, "I hate it with group knock outs like that, this is why you shouldn't try to take hits like that, I am sure Vest is going to regret that choice, but I hope he learns from it, that hurts his team pretty bad."

"Alright, everybody, once again, thanks for tuning in, this is 101.7 Etherball with Chaz and Varik," Varik says, "We're gonna come back with more upcoming lists for the future games of the University after closing comments from the coach.  Thanks again, we're gonna hand off for closing comments to Coach Alyssa, everyone."

Ellie slams her hand against the platform she lands on before going over to Vest.  “Thanks for the cover.  Next time we will get them.”  She shakes his hand.  “I know you could have made that jump Gene.”

"Good game everyone, and come back for the next game. I hope that all of you will be there, including the team, of course," Alyssa says. "Let's have the team meet back up in the dugout, and I hope that all of you have a goodnight and a safe trip home," Alyssa continues.

"Ah, damn!"  Brae says, sitting down and pouting, "Dammit, Vest.  If he hadn't jumped...Ellie totally could have dodged that!"

Delilah sits down beside him, minding the sign, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Pierce, I am sure she'll get them next time. She seemed very quick on her feet, and a very determined player. Besides, a loss now means more of a chance of a future victory!" Maybe she wasn't doing such a good job at comforting him, but damn she was trying.

"Yeaah,"  Brae says, still pouting, "You're right.  Okay, we can head out to the parking lot, then.  Ellie knows my car, so we'll wait there for her and whomever she has with her.  Then we'll go get a bite to eat.  I'm gonna treat everyone, this time.  Man...that was so close, too."

Ellie regroups with the team before they go up to the dugout.  Sure the lost, but more importantly they learned a lot about each other.  She cannot wait until Staccato next week and gets to have Kenan on her side for a change.

Delilah nods, carefully folding up the sign, which, if Pierce doesn't show Ellie, she will. She follows Pierce out to his car, sticking close to make sure she doesn't get separated, keeping the poster close to her chest so it doesn't get torn or wrinkled. "It was, but I'm sure she was still grateful to have you cheering for her!"

At the dugout, "That was a good game all, we still have some training to do for the upcoming match against Staccato. Now then good job to gold team for winning, they will have to agree on some place to eat. That's all for tonight, have a safe trip home, and a goodnight," Alyssa says to the team.
by JulietHasAGun
on 21st May 2017, 1:25 pm
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Topic: Etheriest Role-Play
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